Tiny Habits Book Review

With Tiny Habits you’ll increase productivity to create a happier and healthier life. Dr. Fogg’s new and extremely practical method picks up where Atomic Habits left off.

You may have read my other post related to popular book summary and review such as Ikigai, Miracle Morning, Eat That Frog, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Time Management, Dopamine Detox, The Four agreement book Summary etc.

Let start our book review of B.J. Fogg’s “Tiny Habits”!

Who is BJ Fogg?

BJ Fogg, PhD, is a behavior scientist at Stanford University. He’s a leader in the behavior change field. His years of research helped create this book.

Key Takeaways from “Tiny Habits”

  • Start Tiny: Begin with habits so small they seem easy.
  • Celebrate Success: Learn to celebrate even the smallest victories.
  • Change Your Environment: Make your surroundings help your habits.
  • Design for Consistency: Repeat your tiny habits daily.
  • Join the Dots: Slowly, tiny habits lead to big changes.
Tiny Habits Book Review

Credit: readingraphics.com


The Fogg Behavior Model

BJ Fogg presents his Fogg Behavior Model in the book. It explains what drives our actions.

The model has three elements:

  1. Motivation: Your desire to do the behavior.
  2. Ability: How easy it is for you to do the behavior.
  3. Prompt: The trigger that starts the behavior.

My Thoughts on “Tiny Habits”

Tiny habits are all about making improvements easy. I love this approach. It is doable for everyone. Parents can teach their kids this too.

It fits into any lifestyle. Whether you are a busy professional, a student, or a stay-at-home parent.

This book is handy for those looking to make lasting changes.

How to Apply “Tiny Habits”

Applying the lessons from “Tiny Habits” feels like a breeze. Try stacking a tiny habit onto something you do already.

Current Habit Tiny Habit Outcome
Brushing your teeth Do two push-ups More exercise
Drinking morning coffee Say what you’re grateful for Increased happiness

Audience Reaction

People who’ve read “Tiny Habits” love it. It’s rated highly across the board. A common theme is its ease of use.

We heard from people who have seen changes in their lives. They started with tiny habits.

Goodreads:  4.1 (15000 Ratings)

Amazon:     4.6 (4600 Ratings)

Why Read “Tiny Habits”?

Here are three good reasons to read this insightful book:

  1. Simple Strategies: Easy to understand and apply.
  2. Scientific Background: Based on proven research.
  3. Wide Application: You can use it for any habit.
Tiny Habits Book Review

Credit: fourminutebooks.com


“Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg is a powerful read. We find the concept of tiny, daily changes very appealing. It can lead to great results.

We recommend this book to all who wish to make positive changes. No matter how big or small your goals are, “Tiny Habits” can guide you there.

You will definitely will love this book.

Have a details look from Amazon

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