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This post is all about the Time management book summary by Brian Tracy. Time management means life management. Brian Tracy Explained with his easy-to-apply wisdom that will help you get more work done in less time and, most importantly, in less stress in the 21 most essential Techniques furnished in the 21 chapters. In this book, you will learn how to form good habits and then let them develop you. I will deliver a detailed summary, keeping key points accurate in these 21 chapters.One Thing I should make it clear that reading summary you can get only have an overview of it. To take actual message of this book you must read full book.

I have also some other book summaries like Ikigai, Miracle Morning, Eat That Frog, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Dopamine Detox , The Four Agreements, Make Your Bed etc.

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Let’s start to read summary of this book.

Chapter 1: Time management book summary

The psychology of time management:  

The law of control must be understood to know the psychology of time management. This law says that you feel good about yourself to the degree to which you believe you control your life. Similarly, you feel negative about yourself to the degree to which you think you are not in control of your life or task. Here, the word control comes into the scene. An internal locus of control is where you feel you are the master of your destiny, and an external locus of control is where circumstances outside yourself control you. This belief system forms your thoughts and feelings. Whatever you believe, it’s become a reality. The four Ds: Desire, decisiveness, determination, and discipline can help you. Then, you can  Program your mind following three techniques.

# Change your inner dialogue:  Repeat yourself,” I am Well organized and highly productive.” Continuously repeat it until your subconscious mind believes it.

# Visualize yourself as you want to be: Create a picture of yourself as calm, confident, highly efficient, and relaxed. Repeat your Visualization consistently.

# Act ‘as if ‘: The third way to program yourself is to act as if you are already a good time manager. You do everything in an organized manner.

Do this fake system until you make it.

Chapter 2: Time management book summary

Determine your values:

Murphy’s law says that before you do anything, you do something else first. First of all, you must identify your meaning and purpose. One major reason for personal stress and unhappiness is a gap between one purpose of life and accomplishment. You can become more efficient with the time management technique, but you will not be happy in the long term. So ask yourself, what do you value most in life? What do you want to be? Then, analyze yourself through the four following question

1. Who are you really in terms of your ambitions?

2. How do you treat other people?

3. Your definition of life?

4. What are your biggest goals?

Chapter 3: Time management book summary

Think about your vision and mission:

Generally, we have two types of thinking: Fast and slow. Fast thinking is the type of thinking that we use to deal with short-term tasks like our day-to-day activities. In slow thinking, we carefully think about the details of the situation. To be excellent in time management, we must regularly engage in slow thinking. , Here, we have to remember some points like thinking before acting, keeping the end in mind, and always seeking a better way..

Chapter 4: Time management book summary

Project forward, look backward:

Your day-to-day routine work helps you to reach your ultimate mission. Determine what you want to achieve after five years. Then, plan for each day or a month and follow it. Dr. Edward Banfield of Harvard University researched high-performing people’s attitudes. He found that every successful person makes a plan from a long-term perspective. After some time, they look backward to ensure they are on the right path in achieving their goal. So, you can follow this.

Chapter 5: Time management book summary

Make written plans:

There is a rule that every minute spent in planning saves ten minutes in execution. Then, write your plan and divide it into Daily, monthly, and yearly. Organize your planning list in two ways: by sequence and by priority. By arrangement, you can create your list of activities in chronological order from the first Step to the final Step. Priority means which task you want to accomplish early to achieve your long-term goal. Here, you can follow the 80/20 percent rule. Additionally, to plan for

goal achievement successfully, you must write the difficulty and obstacles you may face, your additional knowledge and skills requirement, and the groups of people or organizations you need to materialize your ideas.

Chapter 6: Time management book summary

Chart your projects:

Generally, a project is a multitask job. Create a checklist for each job. Assign each person to define their duties and responsibilities. In this regard, you can create a PERT chart. People involved in it have a clear idea about their work, and you will be able to monitor and control the work process.

Chapter 7: Time management book summary

Create your daily’ To-Do’ List:

It is the most powerful technique in time management. You must take a few minutes to create a to-do list every and check it before you stop work that day. You can follow the ABCDE method to do every day’s job perfectly. Write an A, B, C, D, or E next to each item on your list before you begin work daily. An item that is marked A is something you must do; otherwise, a severe consequence can happen. B items are those things you should do. C Activities are pleasant to do. After completing A, you can complete B and rest in this way.

Chapter 8: Time management book summary

Set clear priorities:

Apart from the ABCDE method in the last chapter, there are a series of additional techniques that we can also use to set priorities:

*The Pareto Principle: Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto discovered that 20% of individuals and families control 80% of wealth Throughout Europe. He stated that This rule may apply to every sphere of our life. It is seen that 20% of task adds 80% value to our work. So, identification of those 20% of work determines our success in our goals.

*Put on pressure: While setting your daily routine, take pressure to do challenging work first to be done every day.

*The law of three: whatever you do, only three tasks account for 90 percent of your primary work to be done. Find these three valuable tasks by answering the following questions.

1. If I could only do one thing on this list all day, which activity would contribute the most excellent value to my business?

2. If I could only do two things in this list, what would be the second activity to maximize the value?

3. If I could only do three things on this list, what would be the third activity contributing the most value to my business?

Chapter 9: Time management book summary

Stay on track:

The best way to stay on track is to use the present moment. We follow a lifestyle principle. Sometimes, the most valuable use of time is to go to bed and have a nice sleep. I occasionally exercise, eat the right foods, visit relatives and friends, and read a good book rather than watch television. So, always ask yourself: what is my most valuable use of time? Work according to it.

Another essential technique is” The critical vs. The Urgent”. This technique helps us to separate vital few works from trivial many. We face four different types of tasks every day that can be put into an extra box or quadrant.

1. Urgent and important

2. Important, but not urgent.

3. Urgent, but not critical.

4. Not urgent and not necessary.

So we can stay on track and more productive by correctly categorizing our daily tasks.

Chapter 10: Time management book summary

Determine your key result areas:

Many of us are baffled when we have to do much work with little time. We should determine our critical areas for more productive and effective time use in this condition. Here, the Clarity of our duties in each activity level is a must. There are only five to seven tasks, such as planning, organizing, recruiting, supervising,  reporting, etc.

Chapter 11: Time management book summary

Delegate to others:

Delegating less critical tasks to others within or outside the organization can be the best strategy to complete the work on time.  Anyone can do a particular job 70 percent accurately; You can hire that person to do minor work.

Chapter 12: Time management book summary

Concentrate single-mindedly:

If you concentrate on a single task, You need 80 percent less time, and the quality of this work increases by 20 percent. So, avoid multitasking while making your to-do list, as it reduces your productivity and quality of work.

Chapter 13: Time management book summary

Overcome procrastination:

It is said that “procrastination is the thief of time.”Procrastination is a typical human behavior. A Successful person Procrastinates on low-value tasks, while an unsuccessful person procrastinates on high-value tasks. So, here are some techniques on how we can reduce our Procrastination. 

  1. Mental programming: do it now! Please do it now! Please do it now! Repeat this Line For a few seconds or minutes. Just try to map the task In your mind.
  2. Completing larger tasks: you can divide your task into some parts and then try to start with a more significant part. Then, you’ll find the momentum to complete other parts.
  3. Develop a sense of Urgency: Always try to make a tendency to get the job done quickly by setting priorities. This will make you efficient in doing any task.
Chapter 14: Time management book summary

Create blocks of time:

When you work on an important project, you must create blocks of time. Let’s say You need ninety minutes to finish a work. Take 30 minutes to prepare a plan to complete the job, and the next 60 minutes single-mindedly complete the work. Here, keep the creative and administrative parts of work distinct. You must give more than complete focus in an office environment for your best creativity. If the situation demands,  then you can don’t disturb mode. The best thing to be creative is to do the work in the morning. If you want to Do it in the office, come quickly one hour before other employees arrive and leave the office one hour late. It is a fantastic technique to be productive, save time, and beat traffic. Furthermore, with this extra two hours working we’ll provide you output as much as five hours of average time.

Chapter 15: Time management book summary

Control Interruptions:

Unscheduled interruptions such as telephone ringing, SMS, chit chat with coworkers, etc. Distracts us in the office. 50 percent of the time in the office is wasted because of chit-chat with coworkers. Here are some tips to control it.

  • Begin your work immediately after entering the office.
  • Don’t stop your work until your most important task is done.
  • Be polite and professional while you receive your phone call to get to the point quickly and end the conversation. 
  • When visitors enter the office, stand Outside or in the visitor room to avoid coworker interruptions. Use your brain to determine the right time to end the conversation.
Chapter 16: Time management book summary

 Batch your task:

Batching your task means doing similar things at the same time in a day or in a week.  Tasks like interviewing several people, making phone calls to clients, and replying e-mails must be done at a particular time.

Chapter 17: Time management book summary

 Manage the Telephone:

The telephone can be an excellent servant or a terrible master. To achieve maximum productivity, You have to use it wisely. To make a series of phone calls, you must do it simultaneously. Write down each person’s name and topics of discussion. When you make a call, be sure that person is comfortable to talk with you at that moment. If he is unable to speak, ask politely for a convenient time.

Chapter 18: Time management book summary

Conduct effective meetings:

25% to 50% of management time is spent on meetings, while half is ineffective. While arranging a meeting, calculate the meeting cost, its effectiveness, timeliness. Prepare an agenda of meetings, make a priority list to be discussed first, and involve the person only whose presence is necessary.  Ask more questions and listen more closely than you talk or contribute to the agenda.

Chapter 19: Time management book summary

Read faster, remember more:

Read fast some keeping key points remember.

Chapter 20: Time management book summary

Invest in personal development

Self-development is an ongoing and continuous process. To succeed in every sphere of our life, Self-improvement is necessary. Read something every day related to your profession or business. After five years, you will find how this habit developed you. While traveling, try to listen to the audio if you are not in the mood to read. You may attend seminars taught by experts.

Chapter 21: Time management book summary

 Organize your work space:

Get organized and stay organized. Keep your desk, Office supplies, and materials clean and tidy. When you are working on a particular task, keep only the files and materials on your desk related to it. It wills double your productivity.


If you read this book and understand it, You will become a master of time management and have time for your family and yourself. No matter how appropriate your job is for you, the quality of your life will be determined mainly by your inner life, your health, and most importantly, your relationship. Stick with these three ideas in your everyday life.

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