“The Way I Used to Be” is a powerful novel about a young girl’s journey through the aftermath of sexual assault. It explores the devastating impact of trauma over the years of her high school life.

 Penned by Amber Smith, “The Way I Used to Be” delves into the turbulent world of Eden McCrorey as she grapples with the harrowing experience of rape by her brother’s best friend. This gripping narrative unfolds over four years, revealing the inner turmoil and resilience of a survivor.

 Smith’s novel addresses the complexities of identity, friendship, and healing in an authentic voice that resonates with readers. The story offers a raw, candid look at the long-term effects of trauma, the struggles of coming to terms with such an experience, and the courage it takes to confront painful truths. It’s a poignant reminder of the silent battles many face and the strength required to overcome them.

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 The Way I Used To Be Summary And Character Overview:

The Way I Used to Be is a gripping and poignant novel by Amber Smith that explores the aftermath of trauma and the journey of self-discovery. This book delves into the life of Eden McCrorey, a high school student whose world is irrevocably shattered after she suffers a brutal assault by her brother’s best friend.

As we journey through Eden’s high school years, we witness her struggles and transformations. This character overview will unpack Eden’s experiences from freshman to senior year, revealing the profound impact of her trauma on her identity and relationships.

Related Post: The Way I Used to Be Character Overview

Eden begins her high school life like any other freshman — full of innocence and aspirations until one night changes everything. Following the assault, Eden carries the burden of her secret, creating a rift between who she once was and who she becomes. The once carefree girl becomes consumed with anxiety and mistrust, setting her on a path of inner turmoil and isolation.

Sophomore year reveals a darker side of Eden, as she grapples with the pain of her experience and its relentless hold on her life. She begins to adopt risky behaviors, distancing herself even further from her old friends and family. Eden’s choices reflect her internal chaos, her way of screaming out in a world where she feels silenced by her secret.

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Eden’s junior year offers a glimmer of hope as she forms new connections and discovers outlets for her pent-up rage and confusion. Nonetheless, her facade of control begins to slip as the past claws back into her present, challenging her newfound coping mechanisms. Eden struggles with the duality of her existence, often feeling lost between her past and future.

As a senior, Eden faces the inevitable reality of life after high school. The approach of adulthood and the pressure to reveal her truth intensify as Eden contends with her desire for justice and closure. It’s a year of reckoning, with Eden staring down the possibility of freedom from her pain while also fearing the vulnerability that comes with exposing her scars.

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  • “And maybe I do deserve more than this” – a powerful reflection of Eden’s self-worth and desire for a better life beyond her circumstances.
  • “It’s strange how things can change back as suddenly as they changed originally” – a poignant observation of the unpredictable nature of life’s twists and turns.

It is a heart-wrenching tale that bravely confronts the complexities of trauma and healing. Smith’s portrayal of Eden is raw and unflinching, connecting readers intimately with her protagonist’s journey. While confronting difficult themes, the book carries a message of survival and resilience that reverberates long after the last page is turned.

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Frequently Asked Questions Of The Way I Used To Be Summary
 What Is ‘the Way I Used To Be’ About?

‘The Way I Used to Be’ explores the emotional journey of Eden, a young girl coping with the aftermath of sexual assault. The novel delves into her struggles with identity, relationships, and the path to healing over four years of her high school life.

 Who Is The Author Of ‘the Way I Used To Be’?

 The author of the Way I Used To Be is Amber Smith. It is her debut work, widely acclaimed for its sensitive and poignant depiction of a survivor’s trauma and recovery journey.

 How Does ‘the Way I Used To Be’ Address Trauma?

 The novel addresses trauma through Eden’s internal experiences and outward responses to sexual assault. It shows her coping mechanisms and the long-term effects of trauma on her trust, behavior, and sense of self.

Is ‘the Way I Used To Be’ Based On A True Story?

 No, ‘The Way I Used to Be’ is not based on a true story; it is a work of fiction. However, it presents a realistic portrayal of the complexity and pain that accompany the healing process from sexual assault.


 Wrapping up our discussion on “The Way I Used to Be,” this poignant tale offers profound insights on trauma and recovery. Engrossing and emotionally resonant, the book leaves a lasting impact. For readers seeking a journey of courage and transformation, it truly delivers.

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