The Way I Used To Be Characters

“The Way I Used To Be” by Amber Smith features main characters Eden McCrorey and Kevin, her brother’s best friend. Eden navigates her tumultuous high school years after experiencing trauma.

Amber Smith’s novel “The Way I Used To Be” delves into the life of Eden McCrorey, a young girl whose world turns upside down after a sexual assault by Kevin, someone she once trusted. The story unfolds over Eden’s four years of high school, capturing her inner struggles, changes in her relationships, and her journey toward healing and self-discovery.

The character-driven narrative provides a stark look into the complexities of trauma and the resilience of the human spirit. Eden’s experiences highlight the challenges that survivors face and the varied ways they cope with them. Through Eden’s eyes, readers gain insight into the painful yet powerful process of moving through trauma to find a semblance of acceptance and strength.

Introducing Eden: A Complex Protagonist

‘Introducing Eden: A Complex Protagonist’ reveals the rich layers of a character we come to know intimately. Eden, the heart of “The Way I Used To Be”, is a protagonist that stays with you, her journey both heartwrenching and compelling. As readers, we traverse through Eden’s story, uncovering how her life is forever altered following a traumatic event. Through Eden, we explore themes of identity, trauma, and resilience.

Eden’s Personality And Traits

Eden’s character is a tapestry of emotions and qualities, all which make her feel incredibly real. Her complexity is what sets her apart and ensures she lingers in our minds long after we turn the final page. Let’s delve into the facets that define her:

  • Fiercely intelligent and perceptive, Eden’s inner world is rich with thoughts and feelings.
  • She exhibits strength in her vulnerability, navigating her changed existence with a quiet courage.
  • Guarded at times, Eden holds back in fear, yet her spirit remains unbroken.
  • Her growth is marked by resilience, demonstrating an innate ability to adapt and transform.

Role In The Narrative

Within the narrative, Eden’s role extends beyond that of just a protagonist. Her character acts as a mirror reflecting the realities many face in silence. Eden embodies the silent struggles, bringing light to untold stories. She drives the plot forward with her experiences, and every choice she makes weaves deeper meaning into the tapestry of the story.

Her interactions are key in showcasing varied dynamics of human relationships. Eden’s journey through betrayal, friendship, love, and loss ties the subplots together, creating a cohesive and impactful narrative.

We witness the monumental shifts in her life, each twist and turn pivotal to her development and the story’s progression. Through Eden, we learn that heroes need not be infallible, but real, raw, and bravely flawed.

Josh, Eden’s Brother: The Family Dynamics

In “The Way I Used to Be,” family ties shape the characters’ lives. Josh, Eden’s brother, stands as a critical part of this dynamic. The bond he shares with Eden speaks volumes about their upbringing and the family’s unspoken truths. As readers peel back the layers of their relationship, the subtleties of family interaction and individual growth come to light. Josh’s pivotal role in the plot amplifies the underlying themes of trust, change, and resilience.

Josh’s Relationship With Eden

Josh and Eden’s bond is complex. During childhood, they had the closeness siblings often share. But as they grew older, their paths diverged. Post-trauma, Eden’s outlook shifts dramatically, affecting her interactions with Josh. She harbors secrets, and Josh, oblivious, continues to embody the protective older brother. Their dynamic is a dance of silence and misunderstanding, yet their bond endures, concealed beneath the surface.

His Influence On The Plot

Josh’s character does more than just exist beside Eden; he drives the story forward. His decisions and actions propel pivotal events that challenge Eden’s silence about her trauma. It’s Josh’s relationship with his peers that ultimately exposes the truth Eden fights to conceal. This revelation throws the family dynamic into disarray, testing the strength and flexibility of their bonds. The family’s response to Josh’s role in the unfolding events speaks to the novel’s broader themes of identity, love, and pain.

Caelin: More Than A Best Friend

‘Caelin: More than a Best Friend’ explores the depth and complexities of friendship. Caelin is not just any supporting character. He stands out as an intricate part of the story, influencing the protagonist in profound ways. Let’s dive into the world of The Way I Used To Be and discover how Caelin contributes to the narrative with his own backstory and impacts Eden’s emotional journey.

Caelin’s Backstory

Stepping into Caelin’s backstory, we uncover layers of his life that shape him into Eden’s confidante. He’s been Eden’s best friend since childhood. They share memories and moments that form a bond deeper than the average high school friendship. His family life, hobbies, and ambitions preface the support he gives Eden throughout her harrowing experiences.

  • Long-standing friendship with Eden.
  • Shared childhood experiences.
  • Personal aspirations and dreams.

Impact On Eden’s Journey

Caelin’s role is pivotal in Eden’s journey following her traumatic experience. His steadfast presence offers solace in her turmoil. Given his close relationship with Eden, Caelin becomes fundamental in her quest for healing.

  1. Provides unwavering support.
  2. Represents normalcy in Eden’s life.
  3. Plays a role in Eden’s coping mechanisms.

Caelin’s interactions with Eden often signify a beacon of hope amidst her struggles. His significance in the novel goes far beyond the scope of a mere best friend. He is integral in her battle against the aftermath of trauma and the pursuit of self-discovery.

Caelin embodies friendship’s true meaning— loyalty, patience, and unconditional love. His impact reaches deep, shaping the narrative and affecting Eden’s path to recovery.

The Way I Used To Be Characters


Marina: A Gleam Of Support

In the emotional rollercoaster of “The Way I Used To Be,” Marina shines as a pillar of support. Her character brings a breath of fresh air and hope into the protagonist’s life—a spark in the darkness. Let’s dive into Marina’s world and explore her unshakeable bond with Eden.

Introducing Marina

Marina is not just a side character; she’s the light that guides Eden through her most challenging times. Imagining Eden’s journey without Marina is like envisioning a night sky without stars. Through Marina, we see compassion and understanding woven elegantly into the storyline.

Her Connection With Eden

The bond between Marina and Eden is special and transformative. Marina’s role is pivotal as she offers Eden a shoulder to lean on—a gesture as simple as it is powerful. This is not the blind support of a friend who’s always there; it’s the conscious, unwavering dedication of someone who sees what Eden is going through and stands by her side tirelessly.

Below is a glimpse of how Marina supports Eden:

  • Emotional Anchor: Marina offers the stability that Eden desperately seeks.
  • Confidante: She listens and keeps Eden’s deepest secrets safe.
  • Beacon of Hope: Marina rekindles Eden’s belief in a brighter future.

Marina’s presence is a testament to the impact that friends can have when coping with trauma. Her unwavering support highlights the book’s theme of friendship and recovery. Through Marina, we discover that no one should battle their demons alone and that even in our darkest times, we can find light in those who care for us.

The Polarizing Figure Of Kevin

In The Way I Used To Be, a stirring narrative unfolds around Eden, the protagonist. Central to this tale is Kevin, a character who elicits strong reactions from readers. His actions and their impact on Eden’s journey through trauma and healing leave a lasting impression. Throughout the book, opinions on Kevin’s character split sharply. Let’s delve into the complexity of his role and the nuances of his character development.

Kevin’s Role In Eden’s Life

Kevin anchors pivotal moments in Eden’s story. Initially a figure of trust, events take a dramatic turn, reshaping Eden’s life irrevocably. His influence stretches across the novel, raising questions about trust, betrayal, and coping. Kevin’s presence in the story is a catalyst for Eden’s transformation and the challenges she faces.

  • Confidant turned perpetrator
  • Embodiment of betrayal
  • Trigger for Eden’s downward spiral

Character Development

Kevin’s journey in the book reveals layers of complexity. At first, he is likeable and charismatic. As the plot unfolds, deeper insights into his psyche emerge. His transformation sparks discussion among readers. It challenges them to explore themes of accountability and the masks people wear.

Phase Description
Initial Perception Charming and popular, a trusted figure
Aftermath of Betrayal Seen in a new light, his actions dissected and scrutinized
Character Arc Revelation of true character, impact on Eden, and reader perceptions

Eden’s Parents: A Subtle Influence

In The Way I Used To Be, characters often garner their depth from the world around them. Eden’s parents are no exception. They exert a nuanced impact that resonates through Eden’s life. Their presence and actions, though not always at the forefront, significantly influence Eden’s journey.

Their Role In The Family

Every family has its pillars, and Eden’s parents fulfill this role within their own home. They maintain a sense of normalcy and routine, often overlooking the undercurrents of emotional distress. They represent stability, even when cracks begin to appear in their family’s foundation.

  • Mom: A beacon of quiet support, securing the home front.
  • Dad: A figure of discipline, providing structure.

How They Shape Eden

Whether through silence or speech, Eden’s parents shape her perceptions and reactions. Their subtle behaviours teach her about acceptance, resilience, and, inadvertently, the complexities of coping. Their influence is like a mold:

Action Eden’s Reaction
Unspoken concerns Eden learns to internalize feelings.
Overt expectations Eden strives to meet standards, veiling her struggles.

Eden’s navigation of her world, and the hurdles she faces, are sculpted by these familial influences. They don’t provide direct instruction but offer a framework from which Eden unconsciously adapts and grows.

Secondary Characters: Filling The World

The world of “The Way I Used To Be” is vibrant and realistic, thanks to its diverse cast of characters. While the main characters drive the story, it’s the secondary characters who truly enrich the narrative, providing depth, contrast, and a fuller understanding of the protagonist’s life. Let’s meet some of these integral personalities that breathe life into the pages.

Friends In School

Support characters at school often reflect the shifting dynamics of teenage life. They contribute to the protagonist’s journey in substantial ways. Below are some of the friends who leave their mark:

  • Best Friend: The confidante and partner-in-crime, capturing the essence of loyalty and adolescence.
  • Study Buddy: The classmate who offers both academic support and a window into a different social world.
  • Team Player: The sporty ally, providing a glimpse into teamwork and school spirit.

Authority Figures

The adults in “The Way I Used To Be” wear different hats, each impacting the protagonist’s life uniquely. These figures include:

  • Stern Teacher: The disciplinary figure challenging the main character’s patience and growth.
  • Guidance Counselor: A beacon of advice amid the storms of high school life.
  • Principal: The embodiment of school authority, shaping the environment the protagonist navigates.
The Way I Used To Be Characters


Character Interactions: Shaping The Story

In The Way I Used To Be, character interactions are the heart of the story. These interactions shape the journey, growth, and ultimately, the resolutions of each individual in the narrative. From evolving friendships to pivotal confrontations, the characters are pushed to their limits, revealing their true selves. Let’s dive into how these relationships and events drive the story forward.

Evolving Relationships

As the plot unfolds, relationships among characters grow and change significantly. Bonds are tested, and some fall apart, while others strengthen. These dynamics are crucial to understanding the characters and their development. Bold characters stand out, showing their adaptability or stubbornness.

  • Eden’s transformation is witnessed through her shifting connections.
  • Eden and Caelin’s sibling bond strains but ultimately endures.
  • Friendships like Eden and Mara’s evolve with time and trials.

Confrontations And Resolutions

Tense moments and stark confrontations in the story serve as catalysts for change. These encounters often lead to critical turning points for characters. Emotional battles forge paths to healing or hurt.

  1. Eden faces her past, leading to a brave confrontation.
  2. Conversations with Josh reveal hidden truths.
  3. A final resolution bears emotional weight for Eden’s future.

Conflicts resolved pave the way for character growth and story closure.


Exploring the depths of the characters in “The Way I Used To Be” reveals a tapestry of emotions and transformations. Each individual’s journey adds layers to this compelling narrative, fostering a connection with readers that lingers. As we close the pages, these fictional lives remind us of the resilience and complexity within each of us, resonating with our own paths to self-discovery.

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