
This blog post is about The Four Agreements Summary that the wisdom of ‘The Four Agreements’ by don Miguel Ruiz, a timeless guide to breaking free from self-limiting beliefs. Dive into ancient Toltec teachings that lead to genuine joy, lasting freedom, and profound love. One Thing I should make it clear that reading summary you can get only have an overview of it. To take actual message of this book you must read full book. However,You can also read my other book summaries of some the famous book such as Ikigai, Miracle Morning, Eat That Frog, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Time Management, Dopamine Detox, Make You Bed book Summary etc.

What are the Four Agreements?

These are:

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word

Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally.

Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions.

Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best.

Full Book Summary in Some Sentences:

In this book, there are four important agreements to live by. Let’s break them down:

  1. Be Honest with Your Words: This means always telling the truth and using your words for kindness. Words are powerful, and they can make a big impact on you and others.
  2. Don’t Take Things Personally: Don’t let what other people say or do hurt your feelings. Remember, it’s not about you. This helps you find peace inside yourself.
  3. Avoid Making Assumptions: Instead of guessing what others are thinking, ask them. Misunderstandings happen when we assume. So, keep an open mind and ask questions.
  4. Always Try Your Best: Whatever you do, give it your all. Success isn’t just about winning; it’s about how much you grow and how hard you work.

These agreements can guide you to a happier and more peaceful life. Remember, be truthful, don’t take things personally, avoid assuming, and always do your best. It’s a simple but powerful way to live.


Now,let read full book chapter wise summary.

Introduction (The Four Agreements Summary)

The Smokey Mirror

Many years ago, a person much like you and me lived near a city surrounded by mountains. This person was learning to become a medicine man, but something inside him didn’t fully agree with what he was taught. He felt there must be more to discover.

One night, while sleeping in a cave, he had a powerful dream. In this Dream, he saw his own sleeping body, and on a clear, starry night, he felt a transformation within himself. He gazed at his hands and realized, “I am made of light and stars.” He understood that everything is made of light, and the space in between is not empty. Everything in existence is connected as one living being, with light as the messenger of life.

He realized that while he was made of stars, he was not the stars themselves. He called the stars the “tonal” and the light between them the “nagual.” Life or Intent was what created harmony between these two. He believed life is the force behind everything, the Creator of all.

His profound discovery was this: Everything is a manifestation of the one living being we call God. Everything is God. Human perception is like light perceiving light; matter is a mirror that reflects and creates light images. The world we see, the Dream, is like smoke, hiding our true essence of pure love and light.

This realization transformed him. He saw himself in everything—humans, animals, trees, water, rain, clouds, and earth. Life mixed the tonal and the nagual in countless ways to create diverse manifestations.

He wanted to share this wisdom with his people, but words couldn’t capture it. Though he changed and radiated beauty, they couldn’t understand. He explained, “I am God, and so are you. We are images of light. We are God.” Yet, they couldn’t grasp his message.

He saw everyone as a mirror, but people couldn’t recognize themselves in him. They were trapped in a dream, separated by a wall of fog—the Dream of humans. He realized he’d forget this knowledge and called himself the Smokey Mirror. He saw matter as a mirror and the fog as what kept us from knowing our true selves. He said, “I am the Smokey Mirror, looking at myself in all of you, but the smoke in between keeps us from recognizing each other. That smoke is the Dream, and you are the dreamer.”

In this way, he shared a profound message about the unity of all existence, a statement that would change how we see the world and ourselves.

Chapter 1: Domestication and the Dream of the Planet (The Four Agreements Summary)

Everything you see and hear right now is like a dream. Yes, you are dreaming, even when your eyes are open. This dream happens all day, every day. When you’re awake, it’s like there’s a framework that makes things look linear. But when you’re asleep, this dream can change constantly.

People like you and me have been dreaming for a long time. Even before we were born, the people before us created a big dream, like a big story for all of us. This big dream includes society’s rules, beliefs, laws, religions, and cultures. It’s like a big book about how we should live.

We start learning how to dream from the moment we’re born, just like the people before us. They teach us this big dream’s rules. They use our parents, schools, and religion to show us how to dream.

Our attention is a big part of this. It helps us focus on what we want to see. But adults around us use repetition to put ideas into our minds. That’s how we learn everything. We know how to behave, what’s right, what’s wrong, and all the other rules. They’re already there, and we accept them without choosing.

When we’re in school, we sit in those little chairs, and the teacher tells us things. In church, the priest or minister tells us stuff, too. We learn this way, and we know to get attention from others. We compete for attention from our parents, teachers, and friends. “Look at me! Look what I can do!” This need for attention strengthens and keeps going even when we grow up.

The big dream keeps hooking our attention and teaches us what to believe. It even starts with the language we speak. Every word and letter in a language is like an agreement, a code we understand. Once we get it, energy moves from one person to another. We didn’t choose to speak English or pick our religion or values. They were there before we were born.

As kids, we didn’t choose our beliefs. We agreed with what the big dream told us through other people. Information gets stored in our minds only when we agree. And when we agree, we believe it, and that’s called faith.

This is how we learn as kids. We believe everything adults say, and that’s how we build our belief system. We may rebel against it but are not strong enough to break free. So, we end up surrendering to these beliefs.

This process of making us accept these beliefs is like domesticating animals. We’re trained with rewards and punishments, just like dogs or cats. When we’re “good,” we get rewards, like “You’re a good boy!” And when we’re “bad,” we get punishments. This fear of punishment and the desire for rewards make us start pretending to be something we’re not just to make others happy.

We pretend because we’re afraid of being rejected. This fear turns into a need for attention. Children need to please their parents, teachers, and others. So, we start acting, and we lose our true selves. We become copies of what our parents, society, and religion want us to be.

Our natural tendencies disappear during this domestication. And as we grow, we learn the word “no.” We’re told, “Don’t do this” and “Don’t do that.” We rebel and say, “No!” because we want to be ourselves. But we’re scared because we know we’ll be punished if we do something wrong.

This domestication becomes so strong that we end up domesticating ourselves. We use the same system of punishment and reward to control ourselves. We punish ourselves when we break the rules and reward ourselves when we’re “good.” We become our jailers.

Our belief system acts like a Book of Law that controls our thoughts. We judge everything based on these rules, even if they go against our true nature. This inner Judge keeps considering what we do, say, and feel. And the part that receives these judgments is called the Victim. The Victim carries guilt, shame, and blame.

This self-judgment happens constantly, day after day, year after year. Nobody judges us more harshly than we do ourselves. We punish ourselves over and over for the same mistakes, and it’s not fair. We’re stuck in a cycle of self-criticism.

All these beliefs we store in our minds about ourselves and the world are primarily lies. We suffer because we believe these lies. The big dream of society is full of fear, anger, violence, and injustice. It’s like a nightmare. But even our goals are often ruled by fear and negative emotions.

Humans search for truth, justice, and beauty, but we can’t find them because our beliefs block our vision. We’re blind to the reality that’s all around us. We don’t see it because we’re trapped in a fog created by our beliefs, a fog of self-judgment and self-rejection.

We’re afraid to be ourselves, to express who we are. We try to fit an image of perfection but never measure up to it. This self-rejection leads to pretending and wearing masks to hide our true selves. We’re scared someone will see through our act.

We hurt ourselves mentally and physically just to be accepted by others. This fear of not being good enough controls us. We try to be what others want, not what we indeed are. And we even judge others by our unrealistic standards.

In this way, we dishonor ourselves to please others. We reject ourselves because we don’t fit our image of perfection. We can’t forgive ourselves for not being perfect. We end up pretending, self-criticizing, and rejecting who we indeed are.

Our self-abuse is often worse than any abuse we receive from others. We tolerate abuse from others as long as it’s not worse than the abuse we inflict on ourselves. Our self-judgment is the harshest of all judges. We pay for our mistakes over and over, and it’s not fair.

So, remember, we’re already in our version of hell, a hell of self-judgment and self-rejection. We must learn to love and accept ourselves to break free from this cycle. Self-love is the key to ending our self-abuse and finding the peace, truth, and beauty we seek.



You’ve got many agreements with yourself, others, and the world. But the most important ones are the ones you make with yourself. These agreements shape your personality, telling you who you are, what you believe, and how you should act. Some agreements are good, but some can make you unhappy.

The fear-based agreements drain your energy and hold you back. They make you feel weak. You spend so much energy keeping these agreements that you barely have any left for yourself. But what if you could change these agreements?

Four robust agreements can help you break free from fear-based contracts and regain power. Each time you violate an old deal, you regain your lost control. These four new agreements will give you the strength to transform your life.

It takes strong determination to embrace these Four Agreements, but they can work wonders. They can make the drama and unhappiness in your life disappear. Instead of living in a nightmare, you’ll create your own happy dream.

Chapter 2: THE FIRST AGREEMENT (The Four Agreements Summary)

Be Impeccable with Your Word

The first agreement is essential and tough to stick to, but it can take you to a heavenly place. This first one is about being super careful with your words. Words might seem simple, but they’re like magic.

Words are like gifts from God. They’re powerful. The Bible says, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word is God.” Words help you make things happen. No matter your language, comments show what’s in your heart. Your dreams, feelings, and who you are all come out through words.

Your words are like magic spells. They can change someone’s life, even change the world. A long time ago, a guy in Germany used words to make a whole country go to war. He scared people with words, and it caused a lot of pain and death everywhere. People did terrible things because of his words. His words filled the world with fear and violence.

Our minds are like gardens where thoughts are planted like seeds. Thoughts grow into beliefs and ideas. Words are like seeds; our reasons are super good at developing them. The problem is our minds often grow seeds of fear. They’re prepared for fear seeds more than anything else. What’s important is to prepare our minds for love seeds instead.

Remember Hitler? He planted many fear seeds with his words, and they grew strong and caused so much destruction. Words have immense power, and we must be careful how we use them. We often put spells on people with our opinions. For example, if I say to a friend, “You look sick; people with that colored face get cancer,” and they believe it, they might get sick. Words can be that powerful.

When we were kids, our family and friends shared opinions about us without thinking much. We believed those opinions and lived in fear. Like thinking we’re bad at sports, writing, or swimming. Someone might say, “She’s ugly,” if we believe it, even if we’re beautiful, we’ll feel ugly because of that agreement. That’s a spelling word put on us.

Words can change our beliefs for better or worse. If you believe you’re dumb, and someone tells you you’re not, it can break that spell. But if they say you’re even dumber, the attack is more potent. So, be super careful with your words; they have magical power.

Think about how often we use our words to hurt each other. It’s like casting spells with our terms, and it’s become something terrible, almost like magic. We call it gossip.

Gossip is like poison. As kids, we learned to gossip from the grown-ups around us. They’d talk about others and share their opinions, even about people they didn’t know. They passed on emotional poison along with their ideas, and we thought that was how people talk.

Now, gossiping is how we connect. We want others to feel as bad as we do, so we share lousy stuff about them. There’s an old saying, “Misery likes company.” When people are suffering, they don’t want to be alone. Fear and suffering are part of what keeps us down on this planet.

Human gossip works just like that virus. Imagine you’re excited about a new class, and someone tells you, “Oh, that teacher is terrible, a know-it-all, and creepy too.” You start believing it, even though the person might say it out of anger or fear. You go to class but see the teacher through their eyes, and you hate it. You tell others, and they hate it too. Gossip made you quit the course, but it’s not the teacher’s fault; it’s the gossip.

One tiny virus can mess up communication between people. Whenever someone gossips to you, it’s like they put a virus in your mind, making your thinking less clear. Then, you might spread that virus to someone else. It goes on and on, like a never-ending chain, creating chaos in our minds.

Some people intentionally spread this virus – they’re like “computer hackers” of words. When we’re angry and want revenge, we say things to hurt others and make them feel bad. We do it without thinking when we’re young, but as we grow, we do it more deliberately. We tell ourselves they deserve it.

When we see the world through this virus, we can justify doing terrible things. We don’t see that misusing our words pushes us deeper into our own personal hell.

For years, we’ve been affected by gossip and harmful words from others. But we also harm ourselves with our terms. We constantly talk to ourselves, saying, “I look fat, ugly, getting old, losing my hair, I’m dumb, and I’ll never be good enough.” We use words to hurt ourselves.

We must understand the power of words. The first agreement, being impeccable with your comment, can change your life. It starts by changing how you talk to yourself and, later, how you speak to others, especially those you love.

Think about how often you’ve gossiped about someone you love to make your opinion seem right. Your opinion is just your point of view; it’s not always true. It comes from your beliefs, ego, and your dream. Spreading poison lets you feel right about your opinion.

When you’re impeccable with your word, you clean out emotional poison from your mind and relationships, even with your pets.

The impeccability of the word protects you from negative comments others throw at you. You only accept negative thoughts if your mind is open to them. When you’re impeccable with your words, your mind is closed to harmful terms and available to loving ones.

You can measure your impeccability by how much you love yourself. When you use words kindly, you feel happy and peaceful. This agreement can free you, make you happy, and lift you from a life that feels like hell.

It’s possible, even for someone like me, just a regular person. If I could do it, you can too. Make this agreement with yourself: “I am impeccable with my word.” Nurture that seed, and it’ll grow more love inside you, replacing fear. This agreement can change what your mind is open to.

Be impeccable with your word. If you want to be free and happy, it’s the first agreement to rise above the bad stuff. It’s mighty. Use words the right way, with love. It can change your whole life. It can lead you to joy, love, success, and away from fear and suffering.

Imagine all the good you can do with the impeccability of the word. You can live like you’re in heaven, even when everyone around you is in a tough spot. This agreement can help you reach a heavenly place. So, be impeccable with your word.


Chapter 3: THE SECOND AGREEMENT (The Four Agreements Summary)

Don’t Take Anything Personally

The second agreement is pretty simple. It says, “Don’t take things personally.” Imagine someone saying something mean to you, like calling you stupid. If you take it personally, you might start thinking, “Am I really stupid?” But the truth is, it’s not about you but them. When we take things personally, we believe everything is about us, like we’re the most essential thing in the world.

But here’s the secret: what people do or say, even if it seems like it’s about you, it’s actually about them. Everyone lives in their world with their thoughts and feelings. When someone says something hurtful, it’s because of what’s going on in their mind, not yours.

Imagine someone telling you, “You look fat.” That’s their opinion, and it doesn’t have to be your truth. They’re dealing with their feelings and beliefs, and they might be trying to spread some poison your way. If you take it personally, you swallow that poison, which becomes your garbage.

But guess what? You don’t have to take it personally. When you don’t, it’s like having a superpower. You become immune to the poison, even when surrounded by negativity. Taking things personally leads to hurt feelings and conflicts because you want to be correct and make everyone else wrong.

Here’s the thing: what you say and do is all about your dreams and agreements, and it’s the same for everyone else. So, don’t let what others think of you bother you. Whether they say you’re the best or the worst, it’s not about you. You don’t need their approval to know who you are.

When people lie to you or say hurtful things, remember they lie to themselves. People often don’t tell the truth, even to themselves. You have to trust yourself and decide what to believe.

When you stop taking things personally, you won’t get hurt by what others say or do. Even if they lie to you, it’s okay. They’re probably scared you’ll discover they’re not perfect. But you’re not responsible for their actions but only for yourself. When you truly understand this, you won’t be bothered by what others say or do.

So, practice this second agreement: “Don’t take anything personally.” Make it a habit, and you’ll avoid lots of unnecessary suffering. You’ll break free from the dream of hell and find immense freedom. When you don’t take things personally, you become immune to negativity and can travel through life with an open heart.

You can say, “I love you,” without fear of rejection. You can ask for what you need and make choices without feeling guilty. You can follow your heart and stay in a state of happiness, even when surrounded by chaos. So, remember, don’t take things personally, and you’ll discover a world of inner peace and joy.

Chapter 4: THE THIRD AGREEMENT (The Four Agreements Summary)

Don’t Make Assumptions

The third agreement is simple but essential: “Don’t make assumptions.” Sometimes, we assume things about people and situations and believe those assumptions are accurate. We’re right, and this can lead to lots of problems.

Imagine this: when we make assumptions, we often misunderstand things, take them personally, and even create unnecessary drama. Much of the sadness and trouble in our lives comes from making assumptions and thinking they are real. This can cause conflicts and make our lives feel like a never-ending battle.

Why does this happen? Well, when we make assumptions, we often start gossiping about them. Gossiping is like spreading poison, a way we communicate in a hostile world. Instead of asking questions and seeking clarity, we assume things, which sets us up for suffering.

Our minds can sometimes be chaotic, making it hard to understand and interpret things correctly. We only see and hear what we want, and we dream up ideas that might not be true. This can create problems because we believe our assumptions, and we realize we are wrong when the truth comes out.

For instance, imagine you see someone you like in a mall, and they smile at you. You might make all sorts of assumptions and create a fantasy in your mind about a whole relationship. But in reality, it’s just a fantasy, not the truth.

Making assumptions in relationships can cause fights and misunderstandings. We might assume that our partners know what we want without us having to say it. Then, we get hurt when they don’t do what we expected. But it’s better to ask questions and communicate instead of making assumptions.

Humans often need answers to feel safe and justify things, even if the answers are wrong. This leads to assumptions. We assume others see the world as we do, think as we do, and even judge and abuse as we do. But this isn’t true. We fear being ourselves because we believe others will judge us just like ourselves.

We also make assumptions about ourselves, which can lead to inner conflict. Instead of being truthful with ourselves, we make assumptions to justify our beliefs. This can be harmful.

So, how can we avoid making assumptions? It’s simple:

  1. Ask questions and communicate clearly. If you need help understanding something, ask.
  2. Have the courage to ask questions and get answers.
  3. Don’t assume you know everything because once you have the truth, you won’t need to make assumptions.

Also, find your voice to ask for what you want. It’s okay to ask, and others can say yes or no. By communicating this way, without making assumptions, your relationships will change for the better. Everything becomes apparent, and your word becomes impeccable.

The third agreement teaches us not to make assumptions. While it might be challenging at first, it becomes a habit with practice. This new habit can transform your life, helping you become a better communicator and enjoy healthier relationships. So, remember, don’t make assumptions, and you’ll see positive changes in your life.

Chapter 5: THE FOURTH AGREEMENT (The Four Agreements Summary)

Always Do Your Best

The fourth agreement is about always doing your best. Your best can change depending on how you feel or your situation. When you feel good, your best is better. Your best might not be as good when you’re tired or sick, and that’s okay.

Refrain from overexerting yourself by trying to do more than your best; it will drain your energy. But also, don’t do less than your best because that leads to frustration and guilt. Just aim to do your best in any circumstance.

By doing your best, you free yourself from self-judgment and suffering. There’s a story about a man who learned this lesson from a wise Master. The man realized that doing your best is about enjoying life, not overdoing it.

When you always do your best, you live intensely and feel happy. You don’t work just for rewards; you work because you love what you do. Most people work only for the prize and don’t enjoy the process.

Taking action without expecting a reward is the key to happiness. When you do your best, rewards will come naturally. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you’re not doing your best.

By honoring the fourth agreement, you keep yourself and your body. You don’t need to worship idols; your body is a manifestation of God. Love and respect your body, and you’ll find happiness.

When you combine all four agreements, you transform your life. You can control your life and live free from suffering. It’s not always easy, but it becomes a way of life with practice.

If you break an agreement, don’t judge yourself. Start over and try again. Keep your focus on today, and live one day at a time. Always do your best to keep these agreements; your life will improve.

Chapter 6: THE TOLTEC PATH TO FREEDOM (The Four Agreements Summary)

Breaking Old Agreements

Everybody wants freedom. People from different places and backgrounds are constantly fighting for it. But what does freedom mean? In the USA, we talk about living in a free country, but are we truly free? Can we be ourselves without limitations? Unfortunately, the answer is often no. Absolute freedom is about being our true selves.

So, who or what keeps us from being free? We tend to blame the government, the weather, our parents, religion, or God. But in reality, the biggest obstacle to our freedom is ourselves. What does it mean to be free? Sometimes, we get married and feel like we’ve lost our freedom, and then we get divorced, and we’re still not free. What’s stopping us? Why can’t we just be ourselves?

Think about little kids, maybe around two or three years old. They are truly free. They do whatever they want. They are like wildflowers, unburdened by worries about the past or fears about the future. They live in the present moment and are not afraid to express themselves. They love unconditionally and play without holding back. This is how humans are supposed to be.

But something changes as we grow up. We start carrying the weight of responsibilities. We say goodbye to our carefree days and become serious adults. Society tells us we must work, attend school, and earn a living. Responsibilities pile up, and our faces lose their smiles. We start living to please others instead of ourselves, and that’s when we lose our freedom.

The majority of people in society are domesticated, like trained animals. We need to remember what it means to be free. We don’t even realize that we’re not free. Something inside us whispers that we’re not, but we don’t understand why. The first step to true freedom is awareness. We need to realize that we’re not free to become free. Awareness is the key.

The Toltecs, a group of ancient people, believed that our minds were controlled by “the Judge” and “the Victim.” These are like parasites that invade our minds and rule our lives. They feed on our negative emotions, especially fear. The actual “us” is pushed into a corner. We have two choices: surrender to the Judge and the Victim or rebel against them.

As the Toltecs saw it, being a warrior means rebelling against this internal parasite. It means declaring a war for our independence. Even if we don’t always win, we at least have a chance to be free. It’s a battle against the thoughts and beliefs that control us. The goal is to change our dream, our way of seeing the world, from a nightmare to heaven.

The parasite in our minds has a thousand heads, each representing our fears. We can confront these fears one by one, slowly regaining our freedom. Another approach is to stop feeding the parasite. This means gaining control over our emotions and not fueling our fears. The third solution, the initiation of the dead, is a symbolic death that kills the parasite without harming our physical bodies.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these solutions.

Sometimes, life feels like a dream, and how we see the world is like a dream. When we were kids, it was like that, but as we grew up, things changed. We learned a lot of stuff, but only some things were good. What we learned became like rules, telling us how to live. These rules are like the dream of our first attention.

But guess what? We’re not kids anymore and have a say in our beliefs. We can choose what we want to believe in, even in ourselves. It all starts with being aware of what’s happening in our minds. You have to know you’re dreaming all the time. Only when you know that can you change it?

So, what do you want to change? What’s making you unhappy? You see, the Toltecs, who were wise people, called this the Art of Transformation. It’s like turning a not-so-good dream into a better one. And you do this by changing the stuff in your head, like your fears and beliefs. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

Here’s the cool part: something called the Four Agreements can help you. It’s like declaring war on the things that bother you. These Agreements can end the sadness and open the door to a happier life. When you practice them, you become more robust, and you can break those old agreements holding you back.

Sometimes, you’ll feel like you’re in a desert, facing your fears. But guess what? Those fears can turn into good things, like angels. And every time you break one of those agreements, you get stronger. It’s like a little girl who was told not to sing. She can start by singing, even if it’s not perfect, and slowly she’ll get better.

But here’s the deal: for every old agreement you break, you must replace it with a new, better one. That way, the old stuff doesn’t come back. It’s like kicking a bad habit. And trust me, some of these old beliefs are stubborn. So, be patient with yourself. It’s a slow process because we’ve believed these things long.

We invested a lot of our power in these agreements. So, to change them, we need the same amount of energy. We can’t change them with less. It’s like breaking free from an addiction. We’re addicted to how we are, even if it’s not good for us. We keep telling ourselves things like, “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do it.” But guess what? You can change that. You have to practice the new agreements over and over again.

Repetition is the key to making these new agreements stick. It’s like when you practice a sport or play an instrument – the more you do it, the better you become. So, don’t give up. Keep at it, and you’ll become a master of your dream.



Imagine waking up one morning, all pumped up and ready to face the day. You’re feeling great, full of energy. But then, bam! You have a big fight with someone, and a storm of feelings hits you. You get mad, and it feels like all your energy is drained. You want to hide and cry. It’s as if your whole day is tangled up in these emotions. You can’t even find the energy to keep going; you want to escape.

You see, we start with mental, emotional, and physical energy every day. But if we let our emotions take over, they suck up all our energy. There’s nothing left for us to change our lives or give to others.

The way you see the world depends on how you feel. When you’re angry, everything seems wrong. You blame everything, even the weather. When you’re sad, the world looks bleak, too, and you might cry at the sight of a tree or rain. Sometimes, you feel like you need to protect yourself because you’re scared someone might hurt you. It’s like seeing the world through fear-tinted glasses!

Imagine if everyone had a skin condition that hurt even a light touch. We’d all keep our distance because touching each other would be painful. Well, our minds are like that infected skin. Our emotional wounds are like infections. When someone or something hurts us, it’s like opening up those wounds, and we react with emotional poison – stuff like anger, hate, and sadness. We believe this is normal, but trust me, it’s not.

Our world is like a dream but a bit of a messed-up imagination. We’re all mentally sick with a disease called fear. The symptoms of this disease are all those yucky feelings that make us suffer – anger, hate, sadness, envy, and betrayal. When fear gets too intense, our thinking starts to go haywire, and that’s what we call mental illness. Sometimes, people act strangely because they’re so scared and hurt that they’d rather hide from the world.

But here’s the good news: there’s a cure for this mental disease. It starts with the truth, which can open up those emotional wounds, clean out the poison, and let them heal. How? Well, by forgiving. Not because others deserve it but because you love yourself enough not to keep paying for the hurt they caused you.

Forgiving your parents, friends, and yourself is like a magic key. When you truly forgive, you won’t feel upset when you hear or see their names. It’s like letting go of that heavy baggage. You stop being your judge and victim. You begin to accept yourself just the way you are. That’s how you become a free person. Forgiveness is the secret.

You’ll know you’ve forgiven someone when their name or touch no longer upsets you. That’s the sign. It’s like using a scalpel to open up the wounds so they can heal. You see, sometimes we tell ourselves lies to cover up our pain. These lies are like bandages that keep us going, even though it hurts. But once you heal those wounds and remove the poison, you won’t need those lies anymore. You’ll have a clean, healthy mind.

The problem is many people lose control of their emotions. Emotions end up controlling them. They say and do things they don’t want to. That’s why being careful with your words and becoming a spiritual warrior is essential. Warriors learn to control their emotions so they have the power to change their fear-based agreements, escape from their hells, and create their heavens.

So, what’s a warrior like? Well, they’re aware of the battle in their minds. They’re disciplined, not because someone tells them what to do, but because they’re true to themselves. They’re in control, not of others, but of their own emotions and actions. Warriors don’t repress their feelings; they choose when and how to express them. They don’t let their emotions run the show. Instead, they use their power wisely.


Imagine learning the most incredible secret to personal freedom. It’s like getting ready for a remarkable journey where death becomes your teacher. What can death teach us? Well, it teaches us how to live genuinely. See, you realize you could leave this world any moment, so you’ve got right now to be alive.

Imagine a doctor saying you only have one week to live. What would you do? There are two choices. One is to be all sad about it, create a big fuss, and tell everyone, “Oh, poor me, I’m dying!” and make it a big drama. The other choice is to make every moment count, be super happy, and do everything that makes you smile. If you have just one week left, why not make it joyful?

Death teaches us to live every day like it’s our last, not to waste a single moment. You can wake up and say, “I’m here; I see the sun. I’m so grateful for everything because I’m still alive. It’s one more day to be myself.” That’s how I see life: being wide open, unafraid, and living fully.

The initiation of death is like a rebirth. Your old way of thinking and dreams die, making room for a fresh start. What fails is the inner parasite, the Judge, and the Victim inside us. It’s difficult because they’ll fight hard to stay, and we fear change.

But when you make it through, you’re like a new child, wild and free, but now with wisdom. You can be yourself, break free from old ways, and heal your mind. The angel of death takes away the past so you can live fully in the present without the heavy burden of past regrets.

That’s the Toltec way – surrender to the angel of death and find happiness in the now.

Chapter 7: THE NEW DREAM (The Four Agreements Summary)

Heaven on Earth

Forget everything you’ve learned so far. Imagine a new world, a new way of seeing things. You have the power to create your reality. You can make it a heaven on Earth. Just use your imagination, and something unique will happen.

Picture this: you can change how you see the world. It’s like having different glasses to view everything around you. You can see love in the trees, the sky, and the light. Love is everywhere.

Now, please close your eyes and see a life where you’re free to be yourself when you open them. No need to justify your existence. No conflict within or with others. No fear of expressing your dreams. No judgments of yourself or others. No fear of loving and not being loved. No fear of taking risks.

Imagine loving yourself just as you are, your body, your emotions, everything. You are perfect as you are.

All of this is possible! Love is the key to living in bliss, like floating on clouds. It’s like being in heaven on Earth. Once you experience it, you’ll want to stay there. You have the power to do it. Others have, and so can you.

The world is beautiful when love is your way of life. Love brings happiness and inner peace. You see everything through the eyes of love, and the fog in your mind disappears.

This way of life is in your hands. It’s been called different names – the Promised Land, Nirvana, Heaven, and a New Dream. But your identity is tangled with the old way of thinking, the Judge and the Victim in your mind. You’ve grown attached to suffering.

But here’s the thing: suffering is a choice, just like happiness. You can choose to suffer or be happy. You can live in hell or heaven. I choose heaven. What about you?


Close your eyes and feel the love in your heart. Let’s do a special prayer together to connect with our Creator.

Imagine focusing on your lungs and taking a deep breath, feeling the love in the air as it fills your lungs. Breathing is a source of happiness, and being alive is something to cherish.

Now, let’s say a prayer for freedom. Creator of the Universe, help us love life without conditions, judgments, or expectations. Guide us to love ourselves and others just as they are. Cleanse our hearts of emotional poison to live in peace and love.

Next, a prayer for love. Picture a sunny day by a river where you meet an older man radiating love. He shares a beautiful story of love growing within him, a love that connects with everything in the world. He passes this love to you, filling your heart with warmth and light.

Now, let’s express our gratitude to the Creator. Thank you for the gift of life, for dwelling within us with your love and light. Help us maintain this love and peace in our hearts and make it our way of life.

These prayers embrace a life filled with love, happiness, and peace.


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