COVER PHOTO FOR BLOG POST Story books for teenage girl

Are you looking for captivating storybooks for teenage girl? Whether they seek adventure, romance, or personal growth, these story books for teenage girls will captivate their imagination and leave a lasting impact. Explore our handpicked selection and ignite the love for reading in your teenage girl today!

You may have a look to my another article about anxiety relief books of girls.

Let start this article to choose story books.

1.You are an Amazing Girl by Nadia Ross (Author), Special Art Stories (Author)

You are an Amazing Girl by Nadia Ross (Author), Special Art Stories (Author)
Image Credit: AMAZON

Published: November 8, 2021

Inspiring Stories about Courage, Friendship, Inner Strength and Self-Confidence

Get ready to meet a particular group of girls who face the same challenges as you do every day. They feel scared, worried, and sometimes they don’t succeed right away. But guess what? They never give up!

In this book, you’ll follow their journey as they work hard, make mistakes, and learn from them. Sometimes they feel down and doubt themselves, but deep inside, their inner strength shines bright. They find the courage and self-confidence to overcome tough times and achieve their dreams.

One thing I should mention, Some reviewers find the story dull.


2.  The Story Girl by L. M. Montgomery (Author)

The Story Girl by L. M. Montgomery (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: January 9, 2018

Once upon a time, eight kids aged 11 to 14, lived in a stunning part of Prince Edward Island. They spent huge time together, having the best adventures.

One day, a grown man named Beverley King tells the story of his and his brother Felix’s visit to their family’s old home. They stayed with their relatives, and it was an amazing experience.

Beverley shares all their fun, the mischief they got into, and the occasional worries they faced. It’s like he’s transported back in time, reliving those joyful moments. He also adds wise insights from his older self, reflecting on how innocent, trusting, and happy they all were.

This book will bring you on a journey filled with nostalgia and captivating tales of friendship. Join these young adventurers as they make memories that will last a lifetime.


3. 100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls by Jean Fischer (Author)

100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls by Jean Fischer (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: November 1, 2018

This book is packed with amazing stories of brave women who followed God, even when the world disagreed.

Each story is captivating and brings these women to life. You’ll find Bible verses that connect to their experiences, making it even more inspiring.

From martyrs to missionaries, pilots to authors, and even women from the Bible, these stories will leave you in awe. They don’t shy away from sharing these women’s struggles, but it’s written in a way suitable for kids.

As a parent, I’m careful about what my kids read and watch. Trust me; this book is a must-have! Once you start reading, you won’t want to put it down. Get your copy now and prepare to be inspired!


4. The Girl in the Locked Room by Mary Downing Hahn (Author)

The Girl in the Locked Room by Mary Downing Hahn (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: September 3, 2019

Have you ever had that feeling of being watched or someone peering through a window? The author captures that eerie atmosphere perfectly. But don’t worry, Lily, the ghost turns out to be friendly, so it’s not too scary.

While there are some spooky moments, they’re not constant and mostly happen towards the end. And let’s remember the men on horses who show up at night… They give you quite a fright! Didn’t you ever worry that someone might come into your room as a child?

Mary Downing Hahn really knows how to tap into those relatable fears. This book is thrilling and will keep you engaged from start to finish. Join the adventure and get your copy today!


5. Girl Power 5-Minute Stories by Clarion Books (Author) (Best short storybooks for teenage girl )

 Girl Power 5-Minute Stories by Clarion Books (Author) (Best short storybooks for teenage girl )
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: January 27, 2015

This book is packed with ten amazing tales, and each one can be read in just five minutes!

These stories are all about strong, brave, and kind girls who know how to take charge. They will inspire you, make you laugh, and give you a boost of girl power! Whether you need a role model or a quick pick-me-up, this treasury has it all.

With its shiny, fancy cover, this book is perfect for gifting someone special.

Take advantage of this incredible collection of girl power! Grab your copy today and let your imagination soar!


6.Funny Girl: Funniest. Stories. Ever by Betsy Bird (Author)
Funny Girl: Funniest. Stories. Ever by Betsy Bird (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: May 8, 2018

This book has many different stories, and some are better than others. I liked some stories more than others. One story was strange, with a poem and a picture of Benjamin Franklin and a pig. It was amusing but odd. There were also informative stories, like one about telling jokes and another with a pop quiz.

Each story in this collection is unique and offers something different. Some will make you laugh, while others will teach you something new. It’s like a mixed bag of surprises!

While not every story may be your cup of tea, there’s a wide variety. You might find some hidden gems that you enjoy. And who knows, you might discover something fascinating along the way!

So, if you’re looking for a book with a mix of stories, some funny and some educational, give this collection a try. You never know which story will captivate you and make you smile. Get ready for an adventure through words and imagination!


7. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield (Author), Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Kimberly Kirberger (Author)

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield (Author), Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Kimberly Kirberger (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: August 28, 2012

Being a teenager is tough, but guess what? You’re not alone. This book is like having a supportive friend by your side. It’s packed with stories that will make you laugh and cry, just like life.

This book will inspire you, keep you motivated, and remind you that you’re not alone on this roller coaster ride of teenage life.

No matter what you’re going through, this book will be there for you, like a trusted companion. It’s filled with stories that will make you feel understood and give you hope for the future.


8.Black Girl Unlimited by Echo Brown (Author)( Top rated Storybooks for teenage girl who is not blond)

Black Girl Unlimited by Echo Brown (Author)( Top rated Storybooks for teenage girl who is not blond)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: January 11, 2022

Echo Brown is an extraordinary wizard who lives on the East Side. Life there can be tough with small apartments and parents struggling with addiction. But don’t be fooled; magic exists everywhere.

New opportunities arise when Echo starts going to a fancy school on the West Side. A wise teacher becomes her guide, unlocking even more magic within her.

Every day, Echo moves between two different worlds. She leaves behind her brothers, friends, and a part of herself on the East Side. But there are risks in leaving behind the place that shaped her.

As Echo navigates her new life, she discovers that everyone around her carries their own pain. A dark cloud of sadness threatens to unravel everything she has achieved.

Join Echo on her journey as she faces challenges, discovers her own power, and learns the importance of staying true to herself. This captivating story will take you on a magical adventure and show you the strength that lies within. Don’t miss out on this incredible book that will touch your heart and inspire you.


9. Alone by Megan E. Freeman (Author)

Alone by Megan E. Freeman (Author)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: May 3, 2022

When Maddie plans a secret sleepover with her friends, something unexpected happens. She wakes up to find herself all alone in an empty town.

No one is there to help her, and there’s no electricity, phone service, or internet. But Maddie is resourceful. She learns to rely on herself and uses her clever ideas to survive.

Maddie’s only companions are a loyal Rottweiler named George and her beloved books. Even though it’s initially challenging, Maddie discovers her inner strength and finds ways to stay safe in the deserted town.

Maddie faces natural disasters, intruders, and wild animals as time goes by. But the hardest part is the loneliness she feels every day. Will Maddie’s determination to survive be enough to get her through this frightening experience?

Join Maddie on her courageous journey as she overcomes obstacles, finds hope, and proves she can handle anything. This gripping book will keep you on your seat, rooting for Maddie until the end.


10. Galaxy Girls: 50 Amazing Stories of Women in Space by Libby Jackson (Author) (Best Storybooks for teenage girl who is interest in Technology)

Galaxy Girls: 50 Amazing Stories of Women in Space by Libby Jackson (Author) (Best Storybooks for teenage girl who is interest in Technology)
Image Credit: Amazon

Published: June 5, 2018

I want to share a comment review to understand the book. Giving it below…..

I got this book as a birthday gift for my kindergartner, who loves space, and it exceeded my expectations. The biographies are just right for young kids – each woman has a big picture and a short story about their significant contributions to space exploration.

Different artists draw the pictures, so they have different styles. Most look realistic, but a few are more artistic and abstract. This confused my literal-minded child because she wanted to see what the women looked like. We solved it by searching for photos online, so it’s not a big problem, but something to be aware of.

We read it more often than our other non-fiction books, and my child loves learning about these amazing women. It’s a definite winner in our home, and I highly recommend it to other parents and their space-loving kids!


These are some of the best storybooks for teenage girl in bestselling in different store like amazon.

Attention Please: I am a part-time banker and writer, but I also love blogging. I independently choose books that are suitable to share. You should know that the post contains affiliate links that pay minimal commissions when you buy anything without extra cost to you.

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One thought on “10 Best Storybooks for teenage girl : Top Pick”
  1. […] Welcome to our latest blog post where we’ll be diving into the world of books for teens with anxiety. We’ll be sharing our top picks for books that address anxiety and provide valuable insights and support for teens. You also find my another article regarding best story books for teen girls. […]

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