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In this comprehensive blog post, “Eat That Frog Summary” we’re going to delve deep into the world of productivity and time management as we present you with an insightful summary of Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog.” Whether you’re a seasoned reader of self-improvement literature or new to the concept of conquering procrastination, this summary will provide you with actionable insights to boost your productivity and achieve your goals. One Thing I should make it clear that reading summary you can get only have an overview of it. To take actual message of this book you must read full book.

I have also some other book summaries like Ikigai, Miracle Morning, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Time Management, Dopamine Detox , The Four Agreements, Make Your Bed etc.

Let’s hop right in and explore the transformative power of “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.

1. Introduction: Eat That Frog (Chapter 1:Eat That Frog Summary)

What’s the Book About?

The book “Eat That Frog” is about getting things done. We all have so much to do but only a little time. The author, Brian Tracy, tells us to focus on the most important thing first. It’s like saying if you must eat a frog, do it first thing in the morning. That way, you can go through your day knowing the worst is behind you.

Why It’s Good to “Eat the Frog”

Doing the challenging task first is good because it helps us feel better. We can move on to other things without worry. This book says that if you have two challenging tasks, do the most complex first.

Take Action Quickly!

The book tells us to act fast. Don’t wait to get started. The people who get things done quickly are the most successful. They don’t just talk; they do the work.

How to Succeed?

Success comes from doing things again and again until they become a habit. If you do good things every day, you will feel good and become successful.

How to Start?
  1. Know Your Goal: First, you must know what you want to do.
  2. Write it Down: Write your goal on paper. This makes it real.
  3. Set a Time: Decide when you want to finish it.
  4. Make a List: Write down all the steps you need to take.
  5. Make a Plan: Put your steps in the right order.
  6. Start Now: Do something right away to move closer to your goal.
  7. Do Something Every Day: Make sure you do one thing every day that gets you closer to your goal.

Why Written Goals?

Writing down what you want to do helps you stay focused. You can see what needs to be done, making it easier to do.

So, Let’s Eat That Frog!

The book tells us to do the most challenging thing first, and everything else will be easier. So, let’s “Eat That Frog” and get things done!

And that’s it! You now know what the book “Eat That Frog” is all about. It teaches us to tackle our biggest, hardest tasks first. Doing so makes us feel good and helps us achieve our goals.

Eat-That-Frog book summary
Image Credit: AMAZON

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2 Plan Every Day in Advance(Chapter 2:Eat That Frog Summary)

 It is a comprehensive take on planning and organizing activities for increased productivity and efficiency. The points about planning each day, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and the psychological benefits of maintaining lists are all helpful tips for enhancing personal effectiveness.

The 10/90 Rule, where spending 10% of your time planning can save 90% of your time in execution, is particularly insightful. It highlights how a preemptive organization can significantly streamline the work process, leading to better outcomes.

Another important aspect covered is using different kinds of lists for various purposes—master list, monthly list, weekly list, and daily list—which can serve as helpful organizational tools. These lists help prioritize tasks and create a roadmap for achieving your goals.

Finally, “eating the frog” underlines tackling the most challenging or important task to get it out of the way, allowing you to focus on other tasks with a sense of accomplishment and reduced stress.

Planning can be a powerful tool for overcoming procrastination, enhancing productivity, and achieving a higher return on your energy investment. This text is a valuable guide for anyone looking to make the most of their time and resources.

3 Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything(Chapter 3:Eat That Frog Summary)

 What if I told you there’s a simple trick to get more done and feel happier? It’s called the 80/20 Rule.

What Is the 80/20 Rule?

The 80/20 Rule says that only a few things matter. Out of 10 things you do, 2 are super important. These two tasks make a big difference in your life. The other 8? Not so much.

Why Is It Important?

Imagine you have 10 things to do. Cleaning the house, cooking, helping the kids with homework, etc. But only 2 of these tasks will significantly impact your family. It could be finding a better job or spending quality time with the kids. Those are the things you should do first.

The Problem of Procrastination

The tricky part is we often need to pay more attention to the essential tasks. They seem complex or time-consuming. So we do the easy stuff first. But that’s a mistake. We end up busy but only really achieving a little.

How Do You Start?

The first step is to figure out what matters most. Make a list of things you need to do. Then ask yourself, “Which of these are the most important?” Once you know, start with them.

The Power of Starting

The hardest part is starting. But once you start, it gets easier. It’s like taking that first step to exercise; it’s tough, but then you feel good and want to keep going.

Making It a Habit

It will become a habit if you start your day doing the important things. It is a good habit that helps you do more and feel happier. So make it a rule to do the most important tasks first.

Take Control of Your Time

Time management is about more than just making lists or schedules. It’s about choosing what’s best for you and your family. When you focus on what’s important, you use your time better.


So, let’s eat that frog! Start with the important stuff and see how much more you can get done. You’ll not only feel great, but you’ll also make a big difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Remember, doing the important stuff first is the key to success and happiness. So go ahead, make your list, and eat that frog!

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4 Consider the Consequences (Chapter 4:Eat That Frog Summary)

It says if you want to be successful, think about your time. The book says long-term planning makes us wise.

Make Good Choices for the Future

Imagine you are planting a seed for a tree. If you water it and care for it now, it will grow big and strong. This is called “long-term thinking.” It’s like looking at a map before you start a journey. Knowing where you want to go, you can make better choices now. So, we should always ask: “What good or bad will happen if I do this?” This helps us choose what’s really important.

Work on Important Things

Some tasks make big changes in our lives. Those are like big rocks. Other tasks are like small stones. They are insignificant. The book says to focus on the big rocks first. If something can help you greatly in the future, do it now!

Use Time Wisely

We all feel like there needs to be more time. But the book says there is always time for important things. So, we should ask ourselves: “What is the best use of my time right now?” It helps us do what matters most.

Don’t Wait for the Last Minute

Some people say they work better when they have very little time. But that’s usually not true. When we rush, we make mistakes. So, it’s better to start early and plan well.

Ask Three Magic Questions
  1. “What is the most important thing I can do?”
  2. “What can only I do that will make a big difference?”
  3. “What is the best use of my time now?”

These questions help us stay on the right path. We should keep asking these questions to ourselves. It helps us know what to do next.

So, to be successful, think about how today’s choices will help you in the future. Pick important tasks and do them first. And always ask yourself the three magic questions. This is the secret to being successful and happy in the long run.

And remember, taking small steps in the right direction can lead to amazing places in the future!

5 Practice Creative Procrastination (Chapter 5:Eat That Frog Summary)

Do Big Tasks First

Life is like a zoo—lots of things to do and only 24 hours a day. But here’s a magic trick: Do the big stuff first! Imagine you have to eat a bunch of frogs . I know it sounds yucky, but stay with me! If you eat the most significant, yucky frog first, the rest will seem easy.

Plan Ahead

Before you sleep, think about what you want to do tomorrow. Pick out the essential stuff and plan to do it in the morning. So, when you wake up, you know what to do—no more running around like a headless chicken!

What is ‘Creative Procrastination’?

We all put things off, right? That’s called ‘procrastination’. But what if you could use procrastination to help you? It’s called ‘creative procrastination’. The idea is simple: Put off the small stuff and focus on the big stuff. That way, you get the most important things done and feel fabulous!

Choose Smartly

Remember, we can’t do everything. So we have to pick and choose. Try to put off or give away the little tasks. You don’t have to wash the dishes right now if you have a work report due. Focus on the big jobs that make your life better.

Learn to Say ‘No’

Saying ‘no’ is a superpower. Seriously, try it! If something is not essential, say ‘no’. It frees up time for you to do the stuff that matters. Warren Buffett, a wealthy man, says he always says ‘no’ to things that don’t matter to him.

Time for Change

Sometimes, you must stop doing old stuff to make room for new things. Maybe you love watching TV or playing golf. That’s cool! But if it’s taking too much time from your family or work, cut it down a bit. This will make room for more important things in your life.


So, to wrap it all up:

  1. Do the big stuff first.
  2. Plan your day.
  3. Be smart about what you put off.
  4. Say ‘no’ when you need to.

And just like that, you’ll have more time for what counts in life! 

There you go, a simple guide to making time for what matters. I hope it helps! 

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6 Use the ABCDE Method Continually (Chapter 6:Eat That Frog Summary)

 Do you ever feel so busy and need help figuring out what to do first? Don’t worry; I’ve got a super easy plan for you! Let’s break it down.

What’s Most Important?

First things first, make a list of what you need to do. Some things are essential, and some things are not. Let’s say ‘A’ things are crucial, like taking your kid to the doctor. ‘B’ things are less important, like calling a friend. ‘C’ things are nice but not needed, like having coffee.

The A-B-C-D-E Rule

Here’s how to use your list:

  • Tasks are the ones you must do. They are like the giant, yucky frogs you have to eat first.
  • B tasks are the ones you should do but could be more critical. Think of them as tiny frogs.
  • C tasks are like treats. Nice, but optional.
  • D tasks are things you can ask someone else to do. Like, your partner can pick up groceries.
  • E tasks are things you don’t have to do at all. You can skip them!

Write ‘A,’ ‘B,’ ‘C,’ ‘D,’ or ‘E’ next to each thing on your list. Now you know what to do first!

Start with the ‘A’ Task

The trick is to do your ‘A’ task first. Don’t think about anything else; get it done. This is your giant frog; eat it first!

Don’t Get Distracted

Only do a ‘B’ task if you have done your ‘A’ job. And only think about ‘C’ tasks once ‘A’ and ‘B’ are done. Could you keep it simple and stick to the plan?

You Can Do It!

You’ll feel fantastic when you do your big ‘A’ task! And you’ll have more time for fun stuff and family.

So, parents, that’s it! Make a list, give each thing a letter, and start with your big frog. You got this!

7 Focus on Key Result Areas (Chapter 7:Eat That Frog Summary)

Big words and long articles can be a lot. Let’s keep it simple and get to the point. Today, we’re discussing how to be good at your job. This is like the superhero guide for work!

Focus, Focus, Focus!

First things first. Imagine your goal is like a big, juicy apple hanging from a tree. To pick that apple, you need to focus only on reaching it, not the other fruits around. So, give all your energy to the most important job you have to do. This is your big apple.

Know What’s Most Important

Think of your job as a list of things to do. Some tasks are like big lions, and others are like small cats. It would help if you focused on the lions first because they are the most important. You can make a list and give each task a letter from A to E.

  • A: Must do. Super important, like feeding your child.
  • B: Should do. Important but not urgent, like doing the laundry.
  • C: Nice to do. It’s like chatting with a friend, but something other than urgent.
  • D: Can give to someone else. Your spouse can do the groceries this time.
  • E: Not needed. Like an old habit you can let go of.

After you list them, start with the ‘A’ tasks.

Learn the Magic Skills

Everyone has unique skills they need for their job, like magic spells. You may be a chef, so cooking fast and tasty is your magic spell. You may be a driver, so driving safely is your magic. What is yours? Once you find out, practice it over and over. Become a wizard at it!

Ask and Learn

Ask if you’re unsure what skill you need to be good at. You can ask your boss or even your friends. When you find out, learn it well.

Stop Worrying, Start Doing

Sometimes, we avoid tasks because we think we’re bad at them. But avoiding them won’t help. The trick is to get better at them. Learn, practice, and you’ll be good at it soon enough.

One Big Question

Lastly, ask yourself one big question: “What skill will make me the best at my job?” Once you know the answer, go and become an expert at it.

That’s it, folks! Please keep your eyes on the Big Apple, know what’s most important, and become the best at it. You got this!

8 Apply the Law of Three(Chapter 8:Eat That Frog Summary)

We’ll make it simple so everyone can understand. This idea comes from a book about Cynthia, a super busy mom and worker.

Do Less, Gain More

Cynthia was working a lot. She had 17 different tasks to do at her job! She was so busy that she had very little time for her family. Sounds complicated.

Well, she found a way to change it. She picked the top 3 tasks that were most important for her job. Just 3! Then she told her boss, “Hey, I can do a better job if I only focus on these 3 important tasks.”

Listen to the Boss

Her boss looked at her list and agreed. He said, “Okay, let’s do it.” So, Cynthia began only doing those 3 tasks at work. Guess what happened? She started doing much better at work and even earned more money! Plus, she had more time to spend with her family.

Find Your Own 3 Tasks

Now, let’s try it ourselves. Think about what’s essential in your life right now. It could be making money, spending time with family, or getting in better shape. Write down your top 3 goals. If you focus on them, you’ll find that you’ll do better and feel happier.

Why It Matters

The big idea is to do fewer things but do them well. This will give you more time for the most important stuff. Like cuddles with your kids or date nights with your partner. Isn’t that amazing?

Keep Balance, Like a Tightrope Walker

Life is like walking on a tightrope. We have to keep balance. We need to work hard, but we also need to spend time with the people we love. This is what makes us truly happy.


So, that’s it! This intelligent focus can improve your work and give you more time for your family. It worked for Cynthia, and it can work for you too!

Remember, it’s not just about working hard; it’s about working smart. And when you do that, you have more time for hugs, laughs, and love. So, let’s do what we can with what we have where we are, just like Theodore Roosevelt said.

9 Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin (Chapter 9:Eat That Frog Summary)

Do you find it hard to start a task? Do you put things off until the last minute? You’re not alone. Today, let’s learn easy ways to beat procrastination and get things done. This is a quick summary of some excellent advice from experts.

Start Ready

Before you start any task, get everything you need. Imagine you’re cooking. You place all your ingredients on the table first. Do the same with your work. Put everything you need in one place to reach for it.

Make Space

Clean your desk or table. Keep only what you need for the job at hand. A neat workspace will make you feel more like you are working. A comfy chair can help, too!

Just Do It

Start your task as soon as you’re ready. You don’t have to get it perfect. The key is to begin. Think of it as taking the first step in a race. Once you take it, you’re more likely to finish.

Keep Going

After you start, keep going until you finish the job. Make yourself sit up and act like you’re good at this. It’s like pretending to be a superhero. And guess what? Soon, you won’t be pretending

It’s OK to Fail

Be bold and make mistakes. Even famous people like Wayne Gretzky say, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” So, try your best. If you fail, it’s OK. You can try again.

Be Brave

To do hard things, you need courage. But guess what? You can act brave even when you don’t feel it. Soon, you’ll find that you are brave.

That’s it! Remember, the key is to prepare and then take action. Before you know it, you’ll finish all sorts of tasks and hit your goals. So, what are you waiting for? Get started now!

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10 Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time (Chapter 10: Eat That Frog Summary)

Do you ever feel stuck? Like there’s so much to do, and it’s hard to start? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’m here to tell you that big things can happen with small steps. So, let’s break it down.

One Thing At A Time

You might have many things to do, which can feel like a big mountain. But remember, even the longest journey starts with one step. So focus on one thing you can do now. When you finish that, take another action. Keep going, and soon you’ll see you’ve climbed that mountain!

Ready, Set, Go!

Before you start, make sure you have everything you need. It’s like cooking. You get all your ingredients ready on the counter. Then you start cooking, step by step. Do the same with your tasks. Gather all the papers, pens, or whatever you need. Then, start.

Your Space Matters

Make your workspace nice and tidy. A clean desk can make you feel good and help you focus better. You’ll be more excited to get started!

Don’t Wait For Perfect

Don’t wait to be perfect to start something. Just do your best and learn as you go. It’s okay to make mistakes. That’s how we know. So, could you take a deep breath and go for it?

Keep Learning

The world is changing fast. So it’s good to keep learning new things. You can read books or even listen to helpful talks while driving. Every new thing you know makes you stronger.

Be Brave And Start

So, the big secret is to start. When you’re ready to work, sit up straight, take a deep breath, and say, “Let’s get to work!” Then, do it!

By taking small steps, you can do big things. And remember, you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. So go on, take that first step. You’ve got this! 

That’s it, folks! This helps you get going on whatever you need to do. Please keep it simple, and remember, one step at a time.

11 Upgrade Your Key Skills (Chapter 11: Eat That Frog Summary)

First, remember that getting better at your work is a big deal. It’s like becoming a pro at eating a particular kind of frog. The better you are, the easier it is to tackle challenging tasks.

People put things off because they feel they need to be more confident and skilled. But don’t worry, you can always learn and get better. Even if you’re good at something now, it’s essential to keep learning because the world is changing fast.

Imagine being great at the critical stuff you do. It’s not just about getting things done faster; it’s also about feeling motivated and excited. When you know you can do something well, it’s easier to stop procrastinating and get things done.

Here’s a tip: Keep learning new stuff. It’s one of the best ways to save time. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel and the more motivated you’ll be to start working on your tasks.

Remember, you can learn almost anything. Don’t let a lack of skill hold you back. Everything is learnable; if others can do it, so can you.

For example, I couldn’t type very fast when I wanted to write a book. But I decided to learn touch typing. I practiced for a little bit every day, and within three months, I could type well. That skill helped me write many books!

The great news is that you can learn all sorts of skills to become more productive and effective. You can learn to type faster, use a computer, negotiate better, or even become a great speaker or writer. Just decide to learn and make it a priority.

Here are three simple steps to help you become a master:
  1. Read: Spend at least an hour a day reading about what you’re interested in. Get up a bit earlier if you need to, and read a book or magazine that can help you get better at what you do.
  2. Take Courses: Whenever you can, take courses and attend workshops related to your job or interests. Dedicate yourself to becoming good at what you do.
  3. Listen and Learn: When driving, turn on educational audio programs. You spend much time in the car; make it learning time.

The more you learn, the more confident and motivated you’ll feel. You’ll become better at what you do, and there’s no limit to how much you can learn and achieve except the limits you set for yourself.

So, let’s start this exciting journey to become more productive and successful together!

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12 Identify Your Key Constraints (Chapter 12: Eat That Frog Summary)

Why do some tasks take so long to finish? Or why you can only reach your goals slowly? Today, we’re talking about something significant. It’s about finding what’s stopping you from doing better and reaching your goals faster. This is a simple summary of a book chapter that helps us understand how to be more productive.

What Stops You from Reaching Your Goals?

Imagine you have a big goal. It could be anything, like getting a better job or helping your child with school. Something is constantly slowing you down, making it hard to reach that goal. It would help if you found out what that thing is.

How to Find the Slow Point

In any task you do, one thing always makes you slow. You need to find that one thing and focus on fixing it. When you find and speed up the slowest part of a line, the whole line moves faster.

Is the Problem Inside or Outside?

Most of the time, the thing slowing you down is inside you. It might be a bad habit or a skill you need to improve. Sometimes, the problem is outside, like needing more money or someone else’s decision that you’re waiting for. Find out where the problem is so you can fix it.

Look Inside First

The first thing to do is ask yourself, “What’s stopping me?” You have to be honest. Look inside you and your family to find what’s making things slow. Maybe you need to improve at planning, or you get distracted easily.

The Wrong Fix Can Make It Worse

Sometimes, people think they know what’s slowing them down, but they’re wrong. They end up fixing the bad things and still need to get better. Make sure you find the real problem to fix it and move forward faster.

One Problem Leads to Another

Once you fix one slow point, you might find another one. That’s okay! Keep discovering and fixing them, and you’ll keep getting better and faster.

Start Your Day Strong

When you wake up, try to fix something slowing you down. This will make you feel good and help you improve the whole day.

13 Put the Pressure on Yourself (Chapter 13: Eat That Frog Summary)

Today’s chat is a simple talk about how to stop waiting and start doing. We are diving into a book chapter that shows us how to do our best and feel great.

Be Your Boss

Some people always need someone to tell them what to do. But the best people, the leaders, take action. They describe themselves and what to do. You can be like that too! Tell yourself what you need to do. Pick your tasks and start.

Be Better Every Day

See yourself as someone special. Try to do your work better than anyone else. Start early. Work hard. Finish late. When you try your best, you feel good inside. It’s like giving yourself a gold star!

Time Games to Help You

Pretend you only have one day to finish your big task. What would you do right now? Or imagine you could go on a free fun trip tomorrow. But first, you must spend something important. What would it be? Do that thing right now!

You Make You Great

Great people don’t wait for others to tell them to be great. They push themselves. When you make yourself, you get more done. You also feel good about yourself. Over time, you get better at finishing tasks quickly.

So, the secret is simple:

  1. Stop waiting for others to push you.
  2. Be your boss.
  3. Pick the essential tasks and do them.
  4. Start now, and you’ll get better and better at it every day!

By taking control, you can be the great person you want to be. So, what are you waiting for? Start now and see how amazing you can be!

14 Motivate Yourself into Action (Chapter 14: Eat That Frog Summary)

Let’s talk about a simple secret: being your cheerleader. It’s like being your best friend who helps you do your best. This idea comes from a book chapter and is so easy to understand.

Happy Talk with Yourself

Talking to yourself might sound funny, but it helps! Always tell yourself, “I can do this! I like myself!” These good words make you feel strong and happy.

Look at the Bright Side

Good things and bad things happen. But what matters is how you see them. Try to look for the good in every situation. For example, if it rains and you want to go out, say, “Great, my plants will get water!”

Keep Smiling, Don’t Complain

Even when you feel down, try to be happy. Tell people you feel great, even if you’re just okay. Remember, complaining doesn’t help. Keep your problems to yourself because most people don’t want to hear them.

Have Big Dreams

Think about what you want in life. You may wish for a new job or a happy family. Keep those dreams in your mind. It will make you work hard to make them come true.

Take Action

If something goes wrong, don’t cry about it. Ask yourself, “What can I do now?” Then do it! Taking steps to fix a problem makes you feel good and strong.

So, the secret is effortless. Be your cheerleader. Talk good to yourself. Look for the good in life. Keep your problems to yourself and focus on your dreams. When you do these simple things, you feel better and do better.

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15 Technologies Is a Terrible Master (Chapter 15: Eat That Frog Summary)

 Keep phones and computers from taking all your time. We learn this from a chapter in a book. Let’s break it down.

You Have a Choice

You don’t have to check your phone all the time. Some busy people, like Bill Gross, take time off gadgets to think and relax. They still know all the essential stuff.

Don’t Get Lost in the Phone

Have you ever been to a meal where everyone looks at their phones? That’s not good. We miss out on talking to people and even our food!

Your Time is Yours

Be sure to answer emails all day. Do what matters to you. One guy was so busy with emails he felt stressed. Then, he chose only to answer important ones and felt better.

It’s Okay to Unplug

You can turn off your phone or computer for a while. When you do this, something unique happens. You sleep better, think more precisely, and enjoy life more.

News Will Find You

Some people worry that they’ll miss big news if they’re only sometimes online. Guess what? If it’s huge news, someone will tell you.

So, here’s the easy lesson:

  1. Make time for yourself and your family.
  2. Turn off the phone sometimes. When you slow down, life gets better.
  3. Try it, and see how great you’ll feel!

16 Technology Is a Wonderful (Chapter 16: Eat That Frog Summary)

It’s from a book chapter. Let’s dive in!

Phones and Computers Should Help You

Phones and computers are tools. They should make life easy, not hard. Always ask, “What is important now?” Use reminders on your phone to keep track of what’s essential.

Be Smart With Talking and Texting

Clean up your computer and phone like you clean a table. Close things you don’t need. Turn off sounds and pop-ups on your phone. This way, you control when to check it.

What If There’s An Emergency?

If you have kids or older parents to care for, it’s okay to worry. Make a unique phone number just for them. This way, you will know it’s vital if that phone rings.

Make a Plan With Your Time

Use a calendar on your phone like a helper, not a boss. Put in time for meaningful work and family stuff. Make your to-do list digital. It can remind you of what to do next.

Don’t Be Scared, You Can Learn

Some people get scared of new tech things. Don’t say, “I can’t.” You can learn. And if you get stuck, ask a friend who knows more.

Use Social Media For Good

Share your goals online. It can make you feel good to get likes or hearts. It keeps you moving toward your goals.

That’s it, folks! Be the boss of your tech, not the other way around. Your phone and computer should make life better, not stressful. Give it a try!

17 Focus Your Attention (Chapter 17: Eat That Frog Summary)

Let’s talk about a magic thing called “focus.” Ready? Let’s go!

Pay Attention to What’s Important

Life is all about where you look. If you look at good things, good things happen. When you check your phone all the time, you lose focus. You feel busy but need more time to get it done.

Phones Can Trick You

When your phone beeps, you feel happy for a moment. It’s like a small treat. But these treats can make you forget what’s important. So, what can you do?

The Right Way to Use Your Phone

Don’t start your day by checking emails. If you do, your brain will want to keep checking all day. Instead, turn off the sound on your phone and computer. Check your emails only at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

You Can’t Do Everything at Once

Some people say they can do many things at the same time. That’s not true. You only switch from one thing to another. This makes you tired and less intelligent.

Be Smart with Your Time

First, plan your day. Know what is most important. Then, start with that. Work hard for 90 minutes. Take a short 15-minute break. Do another 90 minutes. After that, you can check your phone.

Be Nice to People

Don’t look at your phone or computer when you talk to someone. Give them all your focus. This is good at work and home.

To Wrap Up

Focus makes life better. Turn off phone sounds. Plan your day. Give people your full attention. This way, you are the boss of your time, not your phone.

That’s it! Try it and see how your life gets better!

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18 Slice and Dice the Task (Chapter 18: Eat That Frog Summary)

This idea comes from this book and is super easy to understand. So, let’s dive in!

Big Jobs Feel Scary

Sometimes, big tasks need to be more significant. It’s like looking at a big mountain. How can you climb it? Don’t worry! There’s an intelligent way to make it easy.

Salami Slice Method

Think of a big job like a roll of salami. Would you eat it all at once? No! You eat it one slice at a time. Do the same with your big job. Cut it into small pieces. Do one small work at a time. It’s like eating a big cake one bite at a time. Easy.

Feeling Happy

When you finish a small piece, you feel happy. This is because your brain gives you a special treat. This treat makes you want to do more. So, doing small parts makes you want to finish the whole thing!

Swiss Cheese Method

Here’s another fun way: think of your task like Swiss cheese. Swiss cheese has holes, right? Punch a small hole in your big task. Work on it just a little. 5 or 10 minutes. Then, take a break. This also makes you feel happy and want to do more.

Why This Works

Both methods make you feel good. don’t feel scared by the big job anymore. You feel strong and happy. keep going, and the big job is done before you know it!

You Can Do It!

Some people write books by writing just a little every day. You can do big things this way, too! Try it and see how it changes your life.

So there you have it, Moms and Dads! Big jobs aren’t so scary when you break them down into small steps. You can feel happy and vital each time you finish a small piece. That’s the magic of the “Salami Slice” and “Swiss Cheese” methods.

19 Create Large Chunks of Time (Chapter 19: Eat That Frog Summary)

We all want more time. We’ll share a great idea from a book. It’s straightforward. Let’s get started!

Time is Gold

We all have considerable work to do. But extensive work needs a lot of time. How do we find that time? Here’s a trick.

Plan Time Blocks

Do you ever set a time to call someone? Do the same for work. Say, “I will work from 10:00 to 11:00.” Then do it! No breaks. This is how to finish a big job.

Be Strong

It’s hard to work for a long time. But if you say, “I will do it,” you will. Then you will feel good. This feeling helps you do more work next time.

Use a Time Book

Write down your day. Use a book or paper. Write what you will do every hour. Then do it. This helps you see free time. Use this free time for big work.

Make All Time Work Time

Are you flying on a plane? Work on the plane. Planes are quiet. No calls, no noise. You can do a lot of work. Use all the time you have.

Why This is Good

When you plan time, you do more work. You also feel happy. Slowly, you will do more and more. You will be amazed.

Remember, every minute is gold. Use it well and make life better!

20 Develop a Sense of Urgency (Chapter 20: Eat That Frog Summary)

Want to get more done? Let’s learn how!

Start Now

Were you waiting for the right time? No need! Start now with what you have. Better tools come later.

Fast is Good

Successful people move fast. They plan, then act! They get more done in less time.

Feel the Flow

When you work a lot, you feel good. This good feeling helps you do even more. It’s called “flow.”

Act Quick

How to start? Be urgent. Say to yourself, “Do it now!” This helps you go fast.

Keep Going

Once you start, don’t stop. It’s easier to keep going than to start again. You get a good flow.

Feel Proud

The more you do, the better you feel. You’ll love yourself more. And everyone will respect you.

So, what’s the lesson? Start now and go fast. The more you do, the better you feel. It’s that simple! Let’s all try it.

21 Single Handle Every Task (Chapter 21: Eat That Frog Summary)

We’re talking about a superpower – getting things done!

Start Strong

The secret to success? Begin your essential tasks right away. Don’t wait for the perfect time.


Focus all your energy on one task at a time. It’s like using a super magnifying glass on your work.

Keep Going

Once you start, don’t stop. If distractions come, say, “Back to work!” Keep your energy flowing.

No Time to Waste

Anything other than your top task is a waste. The more you stick to one job, the faster you finish it.

Be a Master

Self-discipline is your key to success. It’s doing what you should, even when you don’t like it.

Persistence Pays

Keep going, and you’ll like and respect yourself more. Your confidence will soar, and you’ll achieve your dreams.

Get this book


Remember, the most important thing is to decide what to do right now and then go for it. Eat that frog! 

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