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This book is for people who need help with Important goals in their life, Unable to focus on a significant task. The best things about this book are that We will be able to learn how we distract from our important task, How our concentration are being robbed every day, and how we can avoid this.One Thing I should make it clear that reading summary you can get only have an overview of it. To take actual message of this book you must read full book.

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I have also some other book summaries like Ikigai, Miracle Morning, Eat That Frog, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Time Management, The Four Agreements, Make Your Bed etc.

So this book has six chapters. We will discuss an understandable summary of each chapter.

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter one summary

Dopamine and the role it plays:

Now come to the point, what is dopamine?Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that gives us the desire to take action to earn the exciting reward waiting for us. It is one of the essential chemicals that is helped us to survive and reproduce and is probably one of the main reasons for our existence.

But the over-release of dopamine is only sometimes good. We can get more stimulated. As a result, we can lose focus on our most important goal. We distract from our work as our brain has been hijacked; Bart, unfortunately, we don’t even notice it. We will discuss it with a remedy in the following chapters.

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter Two summary

The Problem :

In this chapter, we will check if you are Overstimulated like numerous people in today’s world; when you get over dopamine, you Ultimately lose focus on achieving your long-term goals.

In modern times we have fabulous tools   Like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, email, etc. These tools improved our communication and made our lives easier. But unfortunately, when you use it consistently, ignoring your time to do another important task, You get addicted to it. You get over-excited when your notification rings. Lets, give an example

Suppose you are checking your important mail or message on Facebook or other social media; for a while, you notice that you spend a lot of your time scrolling through your newsfeed. This happened because your mind has been hijacked. Your mind falls into stimulation traps. It deceived you by saying  Your other work to do is easy, or you can do it later, so why do you miss present excitement?

Honestly, your mind and concentration have become Lucrative products of the modern corporate world. The more this cycle continues, The more significant the chance of distraction from your mind occurs. So your mind becomes scattered, you lose your control, and the ability of your focus is drastically reduced.

So, the above things happen to you, and you are trapped in overstimulation. And the remedy for this taking a detox will explain in the next chapter.

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter Three summary

 The benefits of a detox:

 To reduce your overstimulation, You must take a dopamine detox. This means taking a break from activities that make you overstimulate. You can do this for 48 hours, 24 hours, or a partial period. During this detox, avoid the activities that cause overstimulation. The goal is to separate from those activities to give your brain a break.

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter Four summary

 A Three Step Method For A Successful Detox:

This chapter will discuss a simple three-step method that helps you perform a successful dopamine detox.

Step-1. Identify your biggest distractions:

In this stage, you may ask yourself two questions.

If you stop doing only one thing, Which one would be to increase your focus and productivity dramatically?

What activity do I need to avoid to increase my focus significantly?

I hope you got your answer. 

Step-2: Add Frictions:

In this step, You would make it Harder to do the activities that you make overstimulated. For example, your social media account is your biggest distraction. Sign out of your social media account and Switch off the notification bar of other applications while you take your dopamine detox

In this stage, you can note how many times your mind Reminds you of using a social media account. Gradually you will realize that what you used to do on social media is primarily a waste Of your time and energy. And you will find your focus adds a point to do the most critical work.

Step-3: Start First Thing In The Morning:

The morning is the miracle time. Asyousetyours work priority: Do the most critical work you want to achieve, and start it in the morning. You may make a routine for your morning. To increase your focus, you can meditate, listen to some relaxing music, repeat some positive affirmations, And write down your goals for that day.

Tips To make the most of your dopamine detox:

– Take notes on what makes you feel restless and identify your most significant sources of stimulation, and learn more about the way your brain works

– Reflect on your goals, what you want to achieve, what your dream is about, And most importantly, which activities obstruct you from working for your dream. And this way, you will learn how your brain is misused; your time is wasted, and you lose focus.

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter Five summary

Doing The Work (And Overcoming Procrastination):

The main objective of dopamine detox is to lower your stimulation to motivate you to work on crucial tasks. In this section, we’ll describe how to maintain that momentum and overcome your tendency to procrastinate.

★Plan and plan your day: Write down which portion of your crucial task you want to achieve daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly.

-In this process, schedule one. The primary task to work on each morning.

★Develop a laser-sharp focus: You may do the following activities to increase your focus.

-Try to be at the same place and time daily by following your routine.

– Choose a specific trigger, like Taking tea or coffee or a meditation session in the morning.

-Start your day following your routine

-Eliminate distractions

-Work without interruptions

Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse:  Chapter Six summary

Avoiding Dopamine Relapse :

Old habits, die-hards. So it is tough to maintain Dopamine detox. You may fail sometimes, But start again, don’t be anxious about it. Just try to maintain your routine and carry on dopamine detox. Here are the following points to keep in your mind:

1. You may relapse while the dopamine detox you take is regular. It is normal. 

Don’t feel guilty or ashamed of yourself when you Break your daily routine. Just resume it.

3. Understand that the world is against you. Someone will always try to grab your attention so you can protect your focus by building habits and systems.

3. Cultivate good habits like meditation, yoga, mindfulness exercise, relaxing music, and deep social interactions.

4. Sometimes, our minds want to avoid doing something. That is normal; accept it.

So dopamine detox will make you calmer and more present day by day.

In conclusion, I think, with this details summary of book of Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse will help you a lot.

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