cover photo of autism book

INTRODUCTIONToday, we’re discussing an important topic for many parents “Best books for parents of high functioning autism.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. These books offer practical advice, personal stories, and a wealth of information to help you better understand and support your Child.

1. Forever Boy ( best book on autism written by a mother)


* A Proud Mother shares her inspiring story about her Autistic kid. 

I can say this is the master book ever written on autism. Being a parent is a journey filled with love, hope, and dreams, but for Kate Swenson, the journey took an unexpected turn when her son Cooper was diagnosed with severe, nonverbal autism.

In this book, Kate shares her inspiring story of motherhood and unconditional love as she navigates the challenges and triumphs of raising a child with autism.

 Her book provides an honest and moving account of her journey, from the initial shock and grief of the diagnosis to the hard work, resilience, and personal growth that led her to accept and, ultimately, joy.

She writes with honesty, compassion, and vulnerability that will resonate with any parent who has been through a similar experience. Kate’s story is an inspiration and a source of solace and hopes for those on this path.

So, It is not a book but an inspirational story. Is not it?

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2.Uniquely Human (Best books for parents of high functioning autism by a specialist) 

* Winner of the Autism Society of America’s Dr. Temple Grandin Award

When understanding autism, “Uniquely Human” by Dr. Barry M. Prizant is a must-read book. This groundbreaking book provides a new perspective on autism, portraying it as a unique way of being human.

Prizant’s approach is to enhance abilities, build on strengths, and offer supports that lead to more desirable behavior and a better quality of life. He also addresses the importance of identity-first language, amplifying the voices of autistic and neurodivergent individuals in the autism sphere.

It is filled with practical advice and common sense, drawn from Dr. Prizant’s four-decade career, and conveys a deep respect for people with autism and their unique qualities.

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3.The Reason I Jump(Best books for parents of high functioning autism written by an autistic) 


The Reason I Jump” is written by 13-year-old Naoki Higashida. This book is a must-read to understand and connect with loved ones on the autism spectrum.

Naoki, intelligent, self-aware, and charming, uses an alphabet grid to construct words, sentences, and thoughts that he cannot speak out loud. He answers the questions that many people have about autism, such as “Why do people with autism talk so loudly and weirdly?” and “Why don’t you make eye contact when you’re talking?”‘

His answers are honest and heartfelt and will change how you view the world.

David Mitchell, bestselling novelist, and his wife, KA Yoshida, translated it as a labor of love to share Naoki’s insights with friends, the wider autism community, and beyond.

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4.Fall 7 Times Get Up 8 ( Best books for parents of high functioning autismon Nonverbal Autism) 

This is another powerful book by Naoki Higashida, the bestselling author of “The Reason I Jump.”

The book gives readers an inside look at the thoughts and experiences of a young adult living with severe autism. Higashida shares personal stories about school, family, travel, and communication difficulties. He also offers a unique perspective on everyday moments that many take for granted.

 Higashida’s ultimate goal is to encourage society to see people with disabilities as individuals, not as problems. The book has received much praise from critics and experts.

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5.Look Me in the Eye

(Top Rated book by a musician who defeated autism)


It is a moving and darkly funny account of his life, from his childhood struggles with Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism, to building a successful career as a musician and a family of his own.

The book is praised as “sweet and funny and sad and true” by Augusten Burroughs, the foreword author.

The book follows John’s journey from his childhood struggles with Asperger’s to his successful career as a musician, developing exploding guitars for the band KISS.

 He also shares his experiences building a family of his own and how he learned to navigate the social complexities of life. It’s a unique and personal account of living with Asperger’s and how it shapes one’s perspective on the world.

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(best books for parents of high functioning autism on Neurodiversity)


The book is based on a deep dive into the history and understanding of autism. It will enrich you with new findings and concepts about autism.

The main argument of the book is the concept of Neurodiversity. It suggests that neurological differences such as autism are not errors of nature or products of the toxic modern world. It is the result of natural variations in the human genome.

The author argues that Neurodiversity is a valuable and necessary part of human diversity. So, society should be more inclusive of people 

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7.The Autistic Brain

( Award-winning book on autism:Best books for parents of high functioning autism)

This book is a culmination of Grandin’s experiences and extensive research on the topic, making it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding autism.

You will find a wide range of topics, including the latest discoveries in neuroimaging and genetic research and how these findings link to the behavior of individuals with autism.

Grandin also shares her brain scan, giving readers an inside look at the anomalies that might explain common symptoms of autism.

 The best things about this book are Grandin’s focus on the strengths of individuals on the autism spectrum. She argues that education and raising children on the spectrum should focus on addressing their weaknesses and fostering their unique strengths and contributions to society.

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8.But you don’t look autistic at all

( best that describes autism from a different perspective) 

The author shares her personal experiences and interviews with others on the spectrum in this book. This book will provide readers with diverse perspectives on autism.

The author uses a combination of scientific research and personal anecdotes to give readers a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the autistic.

The book covers the following topics.

-Common misconceptions about autism

-Daily difficulties that individuals on the spectrum face daily

– Strategies for non-autistic people to better understand and interact with autistic peers

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9.Unmasking Autism

(best-selling book on Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome )

 Unmasking Autism” delves deep into the hidden world of Autistic individuals who have learned to “mask” their unique traits and behaviors to fit society’s expectations. From hiding stims to altering communication styles, this coping mechanism can lead to a loss of self and a feeling of alienation for many Autistic individuals.

Through his personal experiences and extensive research, Dr. Devon Price sheds light on the intersectionality of masking and how it disproportionately affects marginalized individuals.

 He brings to the forefront the struggles that Autistic individuals face in a neurotypical world and its impact on their mental health.

But this book is not just about highlighting the challenges but also provides a path towards self-discovery and self-expression. Dr. Price offers exercises encouraging Autistic individuals to become their true selves and break free from the mask of conformity.

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10.Parenting a Child with Autism

(Best books for parents of high functioning autism to Understand and Raise your ASD Child)

This book is an eye-opener for the necessity of parenting a child with autism. 

Autism is a complex disorder that scientists do not fully understand. Yes, you are reading right!

 It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting a child with autism, and it may require additional education and support to care for them effectively.”

You will love this book for the two following statements.

“It is usual for parents to have doubts about their abilities, but when raising a child with autism, these doubts can significantly affect their development.”

“Special training is not a requirement for parenting a child with autism. What is crucial is to act quickly, as experts often emphasize early intervention as the most effective approach.”

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11.Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

*Winner of the Grand Prize

I bet you It is one of the Best books for parents of high functioning autism.

This book explores how ten core characteristics of autism affect children’s perceptions and reactions to their physical, sensory, and social environment through children’s unique perspectives in each chapter.

Discover the power of choice and learn effective strategies for making solid decisions with the new section in this book.

Every parent, teacher, social worker, therapist, and physician should have this succinct and informative book in their back pocket.

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12.The Out-of-Sync Child

(A drug-free approach of Best books for parents of high functioning autism)

Do you know a drug-free approach can cure autism?

 This book discusses several issues like Over-responsivity or under-responsibility to touch. It also discussed the Cravings for the sensation of your Child.

The Out-of-Sync Child provides comprehensive, clear information for parents, teachers, and professionals–and a drug-free treatment approach for children.

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13.Autistics on Autism

(A book of a compiled tale of 100 adult autistic voices) 

Do you have autistic children? 

Want to motivate yourself about autism?

This book is the story of 100 autistic adults. It will help you understand autism from the point of view of the next generation of leaders within the autism community.

 The book’s editor, Dr. Kerry Magro, founded KFM Making a Difference. This nonprofit organization aims to support and empower individuals on the autism spectrum with scholarships, training, education, and affordable housing in a safe environment.

When you purchase this book, all proceeds will go back to this nonprofit to fund initiatives like this scholarship program for years to come.

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14.101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism

(Gaming book:Best books for parents of high functioning autism )

Play is an excellent way for children with autism or sensory processing disorders to learn. They can improve their skills by moving their bodies and interacting with the environment. However, it can be difficult for parents and caregivers to engage them in play.

“Pediatric occupational therapist Tara Delaney has the solution for you in this book. She teaches you how to engage your child through fun and interactive games that improve their skills by moving their bodies.

These games are easy to learn and provide hours of fun for your Child; they can be played indoors or outdoors, making it easy to play at home, outside, or on field trips.

 In conclusion, raising a child with high-functioning autism can be a challenging but rewarding experience. One of the best ways to support your child is by educating yourself on the topic.

So, pick up one of these books today and start your journey toward understanding and supporting your Child.

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You can also see my related article

Top 10 Parenting books for raising boy

Attention Please: I am a part-time banker and writer, but I also love blogging. I independently choose books that are suitable to share. You should know that the post contains affiliate links that pay minimal commissions when you buy anything without extra cost to you.

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